Recent content by thc451

  1. T

    Who would win USA or Russia?

    Why would anyone have any reason to doubt the military strength of the US? Arguing 'nam is pointless, and Nuclear war is annihilation for both parties.
  2. T

    ST Christmas Tree Challenge

    Hm...I think I might actually take part in this.
  3. T

    Seeing Death.

    Skwerl is a dude, don't let the hair fool you.
  4. T

    the___vs___ thread!

    Subaru STi Vs EVO MR STI FTW:tup:
  5. T

    And then there were 2

    you won't win against this
  6. T

    I think i hit a deer, but what happen to the deer? *pics*

    The auto bond, eh? You measure speed in mph?
  7. T

    If most U.S. Corporations don't pay income taxes, why is it there is so much

    The first thing a greedy bastard who makes too much money complains about is how little profit he is making in an exchange. It begins with," My friend..." or ends with, "such a deal".
  8. T

    Is the world headed for a bright future very soon?

    No. I feel that an honorable military will refuse the orders of an administration that is bent on self destruction-hahaha. You absolutely must rent the movie, "Dr Strangelove, or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb", even though you may be an ignorant punk.
  9. T

    Do you like your SUV? How do you like it now, bitch?

    Thanks for answering via not answering. Very informative. Personally I would feel a bit guilty for encouraging our unregulated automotive industry to commit virtual hari kari by way of your obscene demands.
  10. T

    What do you think of Hollywood?

    Absolutely not-I may be eccentric but I'm not crazy. They put on their pants,panties on one leg at a time just like the rest of us-they just look so much better doing it. Beyond that they do in fact make a huge contribution toward our foreign debt by way of movie revenues In spite of their...
  11. T

    What do you think of Hollywood?

    Absolutely not-I may be eccentric but I'm not crazy. They put on their pants,panties on one leg at a time just like the rest of us-they just look so much better doing it. Beyond that they do in fact make a huge contribution toward our foreign debt by way of movie revenues In spite of their...
  12. T

    Harley production numbers?

    There exists a preternatural loyalty to the Harley name. Unfortunately this brand loyalty has not resulted in any meaningful change in design technology. Certainly they have the wherewith all to introduce a newer species of motorcycle but ,given the worldwide demand for Hell's Angel...
  13. T

    Why do so many people complain about the republicrats............ ?

    The democrats can't seem to get their act together and the Republicans are too interested in the upper crust. Basically its' that the middle class has such poor representation because they are too busy trying to keep their children from becoming gangstas and making those mortgage payments that...
  14. T

    How long before right wing takes over the internet?

    They've made a big move in T.V. programming and talk radio.Everyone criticises the Democratic candidates to no end-yet we seem to tolerate Bush,who has done his utmost to circumvent the constitution,devalue the dollar and generally malign America's reputation overseas.Hardly anyones protesting...