Recent content by Teresa

  1. T

    Ipad question please help?

    It is possible for them to trace it to you but what i would do would ask the friend of friend for a receipt (say you need it for taxes) with a wriiten and signed receipt that you bought it from him/her for how much and on what date. If it does get traced back to you say you didnt know where it...
  2. T

    Does anyone know how to get free ringtones for your iPhone 5 without

    There's an app tor that. Just search in the app store " ringtones'" doekiad one and pick which one You want then look through find the ringtone and voicing dowload.
  3. T

    My husband won't give me any money? Says he has "none" but always has cigarettes

    My husband won't give me any money? Says he has "none" but always has cigarettes and beer!? I lost my job when i was pregnant about two years ago. I found a job where i could take our son with me (can't afford daycare and he is not going to pay for it!)He forbid me from taking the job!! Said he...
  4. T

    When did Roger taylor got divorced of his second wife Gisella?

    I am sure that i red some where i just can't remember where that Roger is divorced of Gisella Bernales
  5. T

    4 pictures 1 word/ tail of car in rain, big boy pointing smaller boy,a test strip,?

    tail light in rain with other car , bigger kid pointing to smaller boy, some kind of test strip , close up of tail light on a car
  6. T

    Did you watch the election on CNN, NBC, or MNBC. Or which individual

    Switched back and forth between Fox, CNN and msnbc. I like to see what each is saying because we all know they swing one way our the other.
  7. T

    is it worth getting a blue ray player?

    Blu-ray is.... incredible. I have a 1080p Computer monitor, and I do have a blu-ray player in my computer. And I bought Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 and it has the DVD and Blu-ray version, and I put the Blu-ray in my player, and the DVD in a standard DVD player, and played them...
  8. T

    Walmart over-scheduling hours; should I complain or suck it up?

    If they have your availability down in writing in any form they have to go by it. They cannot schedule you for any time they please. It isn't legal despite what you may hear. They have to let you sign or initial something that shows you agree with the schedule change or else wait for you to go...
  9. T

    Is she not interested, or what?

    I agree with Arvie; you should definitely talk to her.Tell her you like her,ask her out,flirt,kiss?! (maybe even flirt with other girls to make her jealous,but I say MAYBE because THAT is a last resort.)
  10. T

    Please help me I have a quiz tomorrow?

    Okay I need help please I have a quiz tomorrow for philosophy relating to the logic constructing a truth table I have no idea. Any thing will be greatly appreciated.
  11. T

    How often should I feed my tiger barbs?

    when i first read this i thought you asked how much to feed your baby tiger lol
  12. T

    how much salt is needed for a freshwater 60 gal aquarium?

    no salt in a freshwater fish dank duh
  13. T

    leftovers recipe help?

    A casserole perhaps?
  14. T

    cell phone coverage help?10 points?

    None of the cell company have service in my town.if i get a phone & use the zip code from the town next too me will that work.How how does that work?