Recent content by tarah

  1. T

    Do you give hobos money?

    I remembered in the news sometime ago in Edmonton, Alberta that some hobo died from a stroke or something and he had over $10,000 in his shopping cart, but no I live in a town and there arn't very many hobos out on the street.
  2. T

    Is gossip girl a naughty show?

    NO OMG IT'S MY FAV. There are a few scenes where it gets a little intimate, but it won't show it go to into depth because that is not what the show is focused on. IT'S AMAZING AND I HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU WATCH IT.
  3. T

    Are Taco Bell's Dorrito Tacos any good?

    I think they are good.
  4. T

    a movie about a man who buys a house in new orleans?

    he meets a woman named well i think her last name was simone and she has the spirit of a man when they meet it feels like they know each other they really do but in another life time
  5. T

    Why is my power steering fluid foamy?

    I have a 1999 Ford Taurus. While pulling inot my driveway I noticed the wheel was hard to turn. When I exited my vehicle what appeared to be smoke was coming out of my hood. I opened the hood to discover power steering fluid spraying out of the small valve on top of the power steering resivour...
  6. T

    Why is my power steering fluid foamy?

    I have a 1999 Ford Taurus. While pulling inot my driveway I noticed the wheel was hard to turn. When I exited my vehicle what appeared to be smoke was coming out of my hood. I opened the hood to discover power steering fluid spraying out of the small valve on top of the power steering resivour...
  7. T

    What is 1 thing you always forget when going on vacation?

    q-tips!! for after showerss... if your gonna be at the pool alot bring 2 bathing suits instead of one. ummm. comb for parting your hair after a shower, i usually just bring a brush on accident razor
  8. T

    What is 1 thing you always forget when going on vacation?

    q-tips!! for after showerss... if your gonna be at the pool alot bring 2 bathing suits instead of one. ummm. comb for parting your hair after a shower, i usually just bring a brush on accident razor
  9. T

    What is a good workout plan to prepare myself for Basic Training for the Air Force?

    I'm going to be attending Basic Training hopefully at some point this summer. I'm quite out of shape right now, and I work better when I know an actual work out-plan. So I was wondering if anyone has any good tips...
  10. T

    Personalizing ringtones for a blackberry pearl?

    I have set personal ringtones for two sepcific people in my address book. I did this by going to the contact editing it and changing the ringtone for that specific person and i hit save. HOWEVER, it just rings the stupid cingular ringtone when they call. I dont know what to do! please help! I...
  11. T

    Cant Hear Sound On Internet Explorer!!?

    mm restart your computer? you've probably already done that though.. but if you haven't turn off your computer for about 2 mins then turn it on again.. see what happens if this has been happening for a long time and you have turned your computer off way since then, try unplugging the motem...