Recent content by taalyn_1

  1. T

    Does the sexuality/choice debate hold stronger implications for Christians...

    NO I don't think they fight gay rights because they feel threatened. It would not effect christians if science proved there was a gay gene. God is still God, no matter what science says.
  2. T

    How can anyone with any intelligence what so ever believe in religion?

    There are as many intelligent christians as there are intelligent atheists. The reverse is also true (just as many idiotic christians as idiotic atheists). It takes all kinds. And religion has nothing to do with the belief in God or Jesus. IMO
  3. T

    The World is moving according to Revelation prophecies. How can atheists and...

    A better question is why are christians surprised that no one believes us about biblical prophecy beginning to be fulfilled when even the bible says "even the very elect will be deceived" ??