Recent content by t@$#%^

  1. T

    When is it acceptable to NOT shake hands on introduction?

    maybe in that case just give him an acknowledging head nod and say hello / hi to him he wont want to shake hands anyway but dont be rude its not classy
  2. T

    speech on procrastination?

    I would like to help you, but I just can't bring myself to do it rightnow.
  3. T

    28 million starving Americans queuing for food?

    Dude, you are BADLY misinformed. The only people who are in "dire poverty" are the ones either too damned lazy to find some kind of work. My family was on food stamps a few years ago and I was making over $40K at the time. We qualified by income plus having a new baby. We could have gotten...
  4. T

    have fun playing with this one... (please help!!!)?

    I love Eulalia, Isla, and Rosemary (with mn Marcia) together. Prairie and Elliot don't fit at all. I love Harry and Penn for boys. I like Kit but as a nickname for Christopher. Riley is nice but sticks out as very trendy in the set. Aaron Riley would fit better. I also like Arthur Kit.
  5. T

    Rival Fire Friday: Why do Christian Creationists lie about what biologists mean by....?

    Rival Fire Friday: Why do Christian Creationists lie about what biologists mean by....? That was 2000.The definitions have been since changed twice since then.Did Darwin ever once use the words "allele" or "phenotypes"?You guys keep moving the goalposts so that it appears they now embrace the...
  6. T

    Rival Fire Friday: Why do Christian Creationists lie about what biologists mean by....?

    Rival Fire Friday: Why do Christian Creationists lie about what biologists mean by....? I've found that Christian creationists lie about a lot more than that, and they'll lie about anything to "prove" their religious creation myth.
  7. T

    my mom said don't go to mexico?????

    every country has it's good places and it's bad places, it all depends on where you go, just make sure you are never alone, don't act too much like a tourist, don't carry alot of money with you or jewels, and use you common sense.but yeah, suposely they do kidnap alot over there, but mostly rich...
  8. T

    Getting checked at 36 weeks?

    I'll be 38 weeks on Thursday, which is when my next appointment is, and that is when my doctor is going to start checking me.From what I've read/heard, they do not necessarily HAVE to check for dilation. Is this your first? My doctor told me she doesn't like to start checking until closer to...
  9. T

    Best Friend Troubles?

    i wouldnt say you are being wrong, you dont feel comfortable with this guy, she should understand that. to me she should be glad that you still wan tto go now that her bf is going when it was just you 2 but thats me. i wouldnt back down, its your time to. if in the end. dont go. find something...
  10. T

    friend problem, please help?

    I recently found out that my two best friends took a weekend trip together without inviting me. I don't really mind that at all. My problem is that they lied to me about it. On the supposed weekend of this mini-vacation, I called both of them to see if they wanted to hang out. The one friend...
  11. T

    Yuck. My wife has been plotting a divorce! Is this a fair deal?

    if she is the one asking for a divorce, she will get slammed with the obligation to pay to you what would be required for everything to be separated half and half.. since she earn more than you, she is in hot water.. This divorce agreement is just an essay to see how she would be loosing...
  12. T

    Yuck. My wife has been plotting a divorce! Is this a fair deal?

    she is an attorney not a judge get your own attorney and you will find a more equitable agreement comes from it
  13. T

    neutrogena wave??

    Okay so i ordered the $2 coupon from there website and they said it would be e-mailed to me, but that was last night at about 9pm! how long does it usually take? could you send me the coupon? Today is the only day i can go shopping because i have so much vacation homework...
  14. T

    Do you think Hillary make a honest misspoke?

    I don't buy it. If it was an honest mistake, then at some point in her life she must have come under sniper fire and she can't verify that claim. She claims that at a particular visit she came under fire, and yet video footage shows her and her daughter casually strolling along. And now she...
  15. T

    the this or that quiz:part 2?

    1) spring break2) sweat shirt3) sleeping4) american idol5) coke6) reading7) neither8) neither9) neither10) yes another