Recent content by sweetpea1

  1. S

    Poll: What would you consider a dark personality?

    Someone mean, and cold.
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    Would you meet anybody from yahoo answers for coffee somewhere?

    like starbucks or something? Who would you meet? I'd meet Maurice. ? maybe even Mantastic Travis too.. coffee can lead to hott sex, you know. ;)
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    A Good youtube username?

    i need something that rymes with jada any ideas i know irs hard well like a made up word to go with jada
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    Why would you bully someone to DEATH and still LAUGH at their funeral?

    Do people really leave the conscience like this?
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    POLL: Would you like to live where you vacation?

    I live on an island so I would never vacation here but I would love to live overseas, no question!
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    I saw a police driving while using a handheld cell phone; is that OK?

    No, it's not okay but cops are the biggest criminals/hypocrites in the world.
  7. S

    POLL: Simple yes or no question...?

    does seeing a pregnant woman make you sick? I feel sick when I see one. Let's not get angry people, it's only a question.
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    what food can you cook in a microwave on camp?

    there are a lot of foods that you can cook in a microwave, most canned goods, like soup, chili, beans, etc. can be easily heated in the microwave, just remember the can opener. Potatoes actually cook really well in the microwave as well. here's a link...
  9. S

    Is the beef safe to cook?

    I'm going to have to agree with the others, it should be fine. there's a great site called they're my go to when I'm not sure, and I've learned a lot of suprising things from them.
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    When you see someone you know, how do you greet them?

    depends. Very few people get hugs. Most get handshakes. One buddy and I have a sort of special greeting, instead of shaking hands we kinda grasp each other's forearms. Not sure where it came from, but we are the only ones who do it.
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    NBA Predictions????????????????

    Lakers-vs-Magic Game 7!!
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    Who are your favorite female movie stars?

    Toni Collette...that's about it.
  13. S

    Would you star in a porn movie?

    No thanks. My self respect is worth much more than that. I'm not a whore.