Recent content by SwaminathanP

  1. S

    Kidney question

    i never said he was smart. asking st for medical advice = natural selection at work if you ask me.
  2. S

    Dont lie... who pays £3.50 per month to be sub?

    lmao....seriously why would you do that? to say something in the shout box or sub forum?
  3. S

    Man cuts off penis in restaurant!!

    Lol! I stand also corrected! And Slip - Euuuuuuggggh!
  4. S

    Tax rises in the UK

    If Bransons idea helps to fix the problem who cares if he makes a profit. In fact he probably deserves to make a profit. Britain should help to pay for the collective damage done to the world by all of the industrialised nations because we played our part in doing the damage in the first place...
  5. S

    Battle Cry

    Well, here's the deal. One guy was explaining strategy and how they would go about taking out that area, meanwhile Leroy was obviously afk... or not listening. Upon returning to the computer, Leroy the proceeded to run in and berserk, completely abandoning any potential plan. This resulted in...
  6. S

    New social classes?

    Lower middle class.
  7. S

    The colloquial toungue of my beloved county...

    Sure we are! Great site, too. The closest thing to a dialect where I live is my Dad's side of the family: Think Italian-accented english a la the Godfather. "Glad ta see yous all made it!" Other than that it's pretty much the Queen's English every day. (I'd have said the King's English, except...
  8. S

    if there is a shortage of virgins

    Most virgins who are in the place to get married would probably be religious, so a man who had spent his youth sleeping around wouldn't go down very well. I know I wouldn't even consider it.
  9. S

    Change the song name

    Only the Lonely - Roy Orbison
  10. S

    Last Subway of my life

    + =
  11. S

    Wild accussation

    That's because Hannibal is actually a mouse. The mortal enemy of elephants!
  12. S

    Wild accussation

    Potatoes talk to Blade! Osu!
  13. S

    Baseball games are way too expensive

    get the beer belly or is it beer buddy? or dont drink
  14. S

    I need advice on clothing

    man what is it with these types of threads... so you wear sweat pants underwear fashioned from sweatpants under your sweatpants when you ride a bike or working out to avoid chaffing? come on dude.... it's not that complicated to get underwear. Seriously... how did you ever manage before the...