Recent content by susanna

  1. S

    why isn't my sync bluetooth working in my mustang?

    it is not connecting to my phone and voice command is not working. It seems to be since I installed tint in my windows. Could it be related to the tint?
  2. S

    what is the cause of my sync bluetooth in my mustang to not work?

    it is not connecting to my phone and voice command is not working. It seems to be since I installed tint in my windows. Could it be related to the tint? it was working before the tinting windows were installed.
  3. S

    Accidentally dropped Motorola Razr V in toilet?

    Hi there. I accidentally dropped my Motorola Razr V in the toilet this afternoon. It is working perfectly fine however I'm not sure what the ideal drying process is considering the phone has an internal battery and therefore cannot be taken apart. I have searched Google to no avail. Does anyone...
  4. S

    Is there any acceptable PDA?

    I think theres a certain line and limits when it comes to pda but its not completely unnacceptable... holding hands, having his arm around you, a quick peck or kiss on the cheek - all fine and can be cute just not people who start making out on the tube... arghhh. so ignore your brother. your...
  5. S

    What the Hell? What does a 60yr. old man do when he just lost his job and...

    I think if you have been studying it, you miss it and you want to get back to it..I say go for it..You want a job that has your interest..If the opportunity knocked can knock again..Good luck and go for it!!
  6. S

    bands with a good sense of humor and good music?

    forget all those answers down there THE LONELY ISLAND GO SEARCH THEIR MUSIC UP ON YOUTUBE. YOU'LL ROFL YOUR BUTT OFF but at the same time, their music is the shiz
  7. S

    What book should i read next? Similar to mortal instruments, hunger games?

    I've been looking for a really good book to read, because every wednesday, i have to bring the book that i'm currently reading into class and we read for and hour. But i'm an avid reader (not bragging!) and always never have a good book. Could you suggest some books like: The mortal instruments...
  8. S

    Biblical prophecies that came to pass in the 20th century?

    over the last 5 yrs. the signs have accelerated to the point where they are occurring in rapid sequence. Not only are they becoming more frequent, but they are also becoming much more intense. the signs are as follows: Religious world: Matthew 24:5-11 / 2Timothy 3:1-5 Political world : Matthew...
  9. S

    Is sense of Humor dependent on Mood ?

    A sense of humor is a must..sometimes when I am around someone that gets on my nerves..I find myself getting sarcastic with my humor..I know it is time for me to exit the situation.. Humor is my safety outlet, I have learned to let it prevail when appropriate...
  10. S

    Is the anti-Christ coming or is he already here ?

    well, the anti christ must fit all 8 points/criteria to identified: 1)the red Dragon of Rev. 12 gives the beast her authority, power and location (church recv'd in 476 AD) 2)the beast rules for 42 months (1260 Literal Years) 1 day = 1 yr. in prophecy 3) she has power all over the world (sure...
  11. S

    How is it true that world morals decayed after the introduction of Christianity?

    because satan is hard at work to decieve, lead astray and cause moral decline...Matthew 7:21-23 and 1John 3:4 God Bless
  12. S

    is it a possibility that the mark of the beast is FIAT currency or some other money?

    to have a understanding to what the "mark" actually is, you must have an understanding as to who the "anti christ" is, first regarding the "mark" from the converts cathechism pg. 50: Q: which day is the Sabbath day? A: Saturday is the Sabbath day. Q: why do we observe Sun day? A: because the...
  13. S

    Could you greet death with a smile?

    There is an old saying.."Death smiles at us all, all we can do is smile back" What do you think it means? Welcome all answers, never a thumb down... my opinion...sounds like you had a bad day at Wally world...:)
  14. S

    When christ returns...?

    His Coming will be Literal... Acts 1:10,11 /Luke 24:38,39 His Coming will be Glorious ...Psalm 50:3 / Rev. 6:14 / Matthew 17:27 & 25:31 His Coming will be Visible... Rev. 1:7 / Matthew 24:30 / Matthew 24:27 His Coming will be Audible ...Matthew 24:31 / 1 Thess. 4:16,17 / Psalm 50:3 His Coming...
  15. S

    To those who love the Lord Jesus Christ...?

    with Alot of prayer, we are to hate the sin/Love the sinner, God loves them, He created them and is deeply saddened when those that choose the other way ....remain there...unrepentful