Recent content by Summertime

  1. S

    I have a habit of laughing after everything I say anyone have any tips on how I can

    Unless its funny, It makes little to so sense Sop.
  2. S

    Why, when connies attack waste spending, do they always start with Barry and...

    Attack the areas they feel safe. That's what bullies do.
  3. S

    Who attempted to kill Sen. Roger Wicker?

    Your words kill. And they destroy peoples lives that attempt to think independently from bullies. I think its a discouraging word from the GOP. You don't own people you know.
  4. S

    Does Rubio have an ego as big as all outdoors?

    Yes and thats about all he has.
  5. S

    Did you like the President's speech?

  6. S

    Why didn't I think of this ingenius liberal tactic to buy an iPad and iPhone?

    Are you forgetting you're a Republican? Ideas don't come to fast or too often. No offense really. Forgive me?
  7. S

    does it upset you they are making jokes about our president and eating dog?

    No. But the sheer ignorance of the portrayal of it does.
  8. S

    Republicans, how do you feel about Roger Ailes, Trump, the Kochs, and...

    If you noticed...None of them answered. Their all ashamed of them. So there's no way they can Type with their heads hanging in shame.
  9. S

    Does the Conservative landslide victory in Spain over a pro-Obama Socialist...

    Got nothing to do with us. You anticipate too much.
  10. S

    Will any further sexual assault allegations cause Herman Cain to drop

    Hes gonna milk it dry as a mothers t-i-t.
  11. S

    Why did the Republicans lose the Presidential election in 08 and will you tell the... of the Republicans? I think they need reminding. How quickly they forget. They need a touch up the gray is showing.
  12. S

    Why do Republicans think they can judge a man on one single solitary talking point?

    For instance. Every man that is out of work is a lazy bum. They wanna live off everyone Else's money,Their good for nothings. Allow me to tell you something. I have seen so many people in the world and in this country that does not fit that bill. The percentage of Americans that are doing that...
  13. S

    Do Conservatives fantasize about themselves as Tom Cruise in 'The Last Samurai'?

    Nancy i think you hate everybody. Well you cant be accused of taking sides. That's for sure.
  14. S

    How long will we have to listen to conservatives whine when their nominee...

    Don't worry about the jokers on the right. Most of us know what you meant. And the whining will continue. But they are banking on stagnating the voter rights of blacks and the poor. Hoping that will give them the win. What a sorry lot.
  15. S

    Conservatives, would you like a ride on my private jet or a cruise on my yacht?

    They are already being taken for a ride. And you don't wanna mess your plane or yacht . They make a mess everywhere they go. Just gross.No home training and they use the bathroom without cleaning up after themselves. God i wish i knew how that felt when i say that.