Recent content by sugar_x

  1. S

    How do you know when its time to end a relationship?

    My partner and i have been going through a rough time over the last month or so, we have been together for 6 years. There has been nothing to spark this, we are both just feeling fed up and don't know why. We haven't had any contact for a week, and now when i ask him to come over to sort things...
  2. S

    Hi everyone, I've met a girl,by the internet, how to earn her?

    Just ask her what she will be up to one day in the week and if she is free to meet up. Ask her to meet you in a public place, some people avoid internet meetings because of the person not being the person they was talking to.
  3. S

    Will I be ok to miss a month of the pill?

    I was meant to start taking my pill again last night to find that I had ran out! I can get some more for friday (our prescriptions are so slow), but i dont want to start taking it on a random day and mess up my cycle. Will it be ok to start taking them after my next period?
  4. S

    what is the best dance workout dvd?

    Being a full time student and a part time worker i dont have much time to do exercise.. iv been looking at some dance workout dvds and im just wondering if u could tell me which one is the best :) thankss
  5. S

    Does the internet distract you from your work?

    All the time. its a big regret sometimes though so get ur revision done :)
  6. S

    Which SatNav is better?

    I have got the tomtom one, Never let me down. but has been known to navigate you to a field haha x