Recent content by SteveO1

  1. S

    Quiz Time! Is this verse from the Bible or is it from the Quran?

    Sounds like Bible. If it was Quran they would force to cut the woman's head instead of her hairs.
  2. S

    How did a man enter to hunting shop, kill all 3 salesman(who had guns) and then

    walk out ?Why didn't sales? salesmen shoot the guy? There were 3 of them and they were armed. This incident happened somewhere in Russia few days ago I believe. @1776 All Over Again: If this is the worst gun argument then why can't you answer it easily...
  3. S

    Can you really be a patriotic american and yet...?

    I don't hate Republicans.I hate the way they do politics most of the time. Do you hate them ?
  4. S

    Cellphone video recording without consent is illegal right?

    It is legal BUT only if everyone knows that the AUDIO is being recorded.This is a sensitive thing.If you never told them that they were being audio(and video) recorded then you can not use that tape in court.That tape does not have legal value.
  5. S

    Even F0x Newz anchor agrees that NRA is ridicuIous.What do you think about

    NRA's argument that since goo? since good citizens are the only ones who undergo background checks , we don't need strict background checks ? Does NRA not understand what the --PURPOSE-- of background check is ? How can you know if the person is "good" or "bad" without running background check ...
  6. S

    Does a parolee violate parole if someone presses charges against them?

    So I have a soon to be brother-in-law that got a dui, well several... He was placed on parole and doing fine. His girlfriend pressed charges on him after he broke up with her for Attempted Murder, saying he tried to choke her. She then dropped the charges after she realized how long he would be...
  7. S

    Conservatives are starting to realize that no-tax-hike pledge is destroying the...

    ...economy.Will Rambo Boehner ag? agree to rise taxes for rich this time? More and more Republicans are starting to realize that tax hikes for rich are necessary to cover up SOME of the cost associated with increased expenditure on Medicare/Medicaid...
  8. S

    The Republican party members are starting to realize that "no-tax-hike" pledge is a

    The Republican party members are starting to realize that "no-tax-hike" pledge is a B.S.What wil? what will be the next big thing that we'll see from them ? Will they start endorsing Democratic politicians ?
  9. S

    My PC disconnects and is unable to find networks when I connect my smartphone

    I used to have this issue.The problem is within your wireless router(not your computer or smartphone). Your Router drops signal whenever you connect 2 different type of devices( ?) I bought a new router and that fixed my problem.
  10. S

    Food used for hiking and camping is frequently labeled "freeze-dried." Which of the

    B) sublimation a vacuum removes the water vapor from the solid frozen food H2O frozen solid --> vaporize is sublimation Freeze-drying works by freezing the material and then reducing the surrounding pressure to allow the frozen water in the...
  11. S

    iPhone App Batter Doctor Pro?

    Does anyone know much about this? I just bought it and learned a little about the app but I would like to know when it is safe to disconnect the usb charger cable when in battery doctor pro app. I know it says not to disconnect the cable when it is charging. I finished charging it and the...
  12. S

    Some please tell me about the iphone battery.................?

    People have said many things about this battery and it going bad on them after a while because it needs correct charging to keep the battery stong. I just bought the app................Batter Doctor Pro -It says to use it once a month -let the battery get to 20% or lower but not too low when...
  13. S

    iPhone 3gs or new motorolla Backflip?

    Hey I am going to upgrade my phone tomorrow since my 2 year contract is over now. I would like to know if I should get the iPhone 3gs or the motorolla backflip? I went in to get the iPhone today but they were sold out. Then the salesperson showed me the phone that is coming out tomorrow called...
  14. S

    iPhone 4g? Anyone know anything about it?

    Hey I was just wondering if anyone knows anything about the new iPhone coming out this summer. I was really close to upgrading my phone contract with at&t this week since my 2 year contract is up this week. But some people have told me that there is going to be a new iPhone that is coming out in...
  15. S

    iPhone 3g or 3gs????????????????????????/?

    Im about to upgrade my phone plan. I am going to get a iPhone, I just do not know which one I should get. The 3g or the 3gs? What is the difference?