Recent content by stephy1

  1. S

    Would now be a bad time to try and find a job?

    If you have money spend it...and if you don't want to spend it, give it to me and I will spend it.
  2. S

    Online. Where do they sell unique itouch 5 cases?

    In redbubble they have a whole bunch of cool cases but its only iphone where might they have for itouch 5 cases? online?
  3. S

    Anyone else hate their First Name?

    I very much dislike my first name.
  4. S

    Breach of Man Law

    You broke up on April 1st, JK day, shoulda said the breakup didnt count.
  5. S

    Is age a problem in relationships?

    I'm 18 and my bf is 22 I've been with him since I was 16. But I was much more mature then other 16 yr olds...
  6. S

    After sex................?

    does every guy just bang you and roll over and go to sleep? Lol wtf what happened to cuddling?!
  7. S

    Toshiba Bubble Helmet

    I've seen that picture least a year ago.
  8. S

    Planet Nibiru?

    hahaha a reptilian superrace
  9. S

    Good place to buy tough, outdoors clothes?

    I'm going to Africa and I'll be taking care of all kinds of critters, particularly lion and hyena cubs. Whats a good place to buy tough, relatively cheap clothes that can have a fighting chance against these guys' claws and teeth, or at least won't tear easily on a thorn or the like?
  10. S

    ST. Help. What mosquito repellent actually works?

    I heard a couple on the radio one day. The listorine ^^was one of them. The other was to put those fabric softner lint square things in your pockets. I never tried either of them but I heard it on the radio so.
  11. S

    Where can I find a bowtie for the back tailgate of a 2009 Silverado?

    My friend had his Chevy bowtie stolen off of his tailgate and it looks horrible without one. Can someone send me some links or has a hook up.. let me know please thank you!
  12. S

    When does the 4th series of gossip girl hit the screens?

    i understand it only just finished but i know a 4th series has been confirmed. Does anyone know when this date is? I can't wait!!!!
  13. S

    What's manga creator tite kubo e-mail?

    He's a famous manga creator from japan; he's known for his big hit series "bleach"!
  14. S

    Really silly,But funny pick up lines?

    Hey guys, me and my friends were really bored in class so we were trying to think of really stupid but funny pick up lines? Can you think of any, for example my two favourite, 1. Are you Jamaican? , No? You must be coz your Jamaican’n me crazy. Or wait it gets better, 2. Girl, I must have...
  15. S

    anyone know where i can get free ringtones?

    no strings attached. for sprint. thanks.