Recent content by Squirrel

  1. S

    George Best - RIP

    He was a great footballer. I found a highlights reel online and some of that stuff was immense. I feel sorry for his family, certainly. But I've no sympathy with him really. He was an alcoholic and continued drinking even after he had a liver transplant. He used and abused someone elses...
  2. S

    The Confession Thread

    And you thought they were high energy before, man she shoots around like a rocket for hours. It was the funniest thing, she was only 2 months old and came up to me, looked me in the face for a second, then stuck her head in my mug and drank it down, now she needs to have her morning cup or she...
  3. S

    I think my son may be gay. What do I do?

    Firstly you're his fricking dad, oh course he loves you, I mean are you going to call him a pervert for saying "I love you" to his mum. Also learn to accept gays as equals as there is nothing wrong with such people
  4. S

    Spouse has new BFF of opposite sex.?

    Husband has befriended a married woman who starting working with him a few months ago. They now are inseperable, drinking together all the time and doing stuff, just the 2 of them. I've told both of them I am uncomfortable about the situation and they both insist it is just friendship. Her...
  5. S

    This is what happens when kids grow up with ST

    old, vid section plz
  6. S

    PBnation House

    I decided that offtopic members should buy a house in detroit for 200$$ there is so many cheap cheap cheap houses. im down for 50$
  7. S

    how do i add secret menu on a dvd?

    so i realized that some DVDs that you purchase come with a secret video if you press the right bottons on your controller i have a program that can make a menu and burn a dvd but is there a program out there that can do something similar i wanna make a dvd but i want to add my gaming clips on...
  8. S

    Where can u buy rogue status?

    i have the gray with black guns, theyre sick. look on ebay next time your choking ill be sure to pull my penar out :dodgyrun:
  9. S

    Steve Jobs

    iNew (it!) ...i'll get my coat
  10. S

    Was I mean in what I said?

    you're lucky you didnt get your culo handed to you.
  11. S

    Is Chernabog from Disney's FANTASIA male or female?

    I have googled this several times but keep getting mixed answers. Does anyone know for sure Chernabog's (the gargoyale looking villain from Disneys Fantasia) gender? Thanks in advance!
  12. S


    NZRic, your posts are generally well-thought out. I can tell you come to your conclusions based on the information available to you, and a fairly consistent viewpoint. I respect those things. Now, realizing I'm just one American in a sea of 270 million, I'd like to try and give a little...
  13. S

    How to get music from itouch without syncing iTunes?

    My moms itouch was synced to a laptop that was stolen on a trip. She has audio books on her itouch that will be deleted from her itouch if we sync it to her new comp. Is there anyway to get the music off of it before we re-sync?
  14. S

    Another example of tolerance

    Unfortunately, ANY thread right now which has anything to do with Islam turns into an anti-Islam thread. Like the one about Shi'ites, for example. All the OP asked is for an explanation of what a Shiite is, but then all the Sun readers pile in and start talking about terrorism. All...
  15. S

    Tampons and Tools...

    is anybody else crossing their legs? I can't say I don't think rapists deserve it though.