Recent content by sparhawk7322

  1. S

    Why did disgraceful war criminal Bush say his ''most disgusting'' moment...

    Like I said the last time you posted this under another name. Why not read the book instead of taking small out of context quotes as evidence? It will make you look a lot less stupid.
  2. S

    How long before Conservatives argue we should repeal the Constitution since it

    How long before that last little lonely brain cell you have left just gives up entirely?
  3. S

    What is all the hullabaloo over gay marriage, aren't we all equal in America?

    What is the purpose of a traditional marriage? What is the purpose of a gay marriage? If you can answer these two questions honestly without concern for political correctness you will have your answer.
  4. S

    Do you hear offensive things on the radio and TV? If so, CALL the FCC and complain.?

    Wouldn't it be easier to change the channel? Sorry I forgot that there are people unable to accept the fact that they should be responsible for their own actions.
  5. S

    Do you hear offensive things on the radio and TV? If so, CALL the FCC and complain.?

    Wouldn't it be easier to change the channel? Sorry I forgot that there are people unable to accept the fact that they should be responsible for their own actions.
  6. S

    Do you hear offensive things on the radio and TV? If so, CALL the FCC and complain.?

    Wouldn't it be easier to change the channel? Sorry I forgot that there are people unable to accept the fact that they should be responsible for their own actions.
  7. S

    Do you hear offensive things on the radio and TV? If so, CALL the FCC and complain.?

    Wouldn't it be easier to change the channel? Sorry I forgot that there are people unable to accept the fact that they should be responsible for their own actions.
  8. S

    Why does it seem that the hate for Israel picked up when school let out

    for Christmas vacation? Especially in the morning. It didn't used to start til around 4:30 (EST) before.
  9. S

    Conspiracy theorists, how did Obama win the election when you guaranteed

    us that President Bush was going to? Rig things to stay on as President? Maybe I should re-post this after 4 o'clock when the nuts usually come on.
  10. S

    Conspiracy theorists, how did Obama win the election when you guaranteed us

    that President Bush was going to? Rig things to stay on as President? Maybe I should re-post this after 4 o'clock when the nuts usually come on.
  11. S

    Have you heard the latest silliness from PETA?

    They want us to start calling fish "sea kittens". I guess if you can't use facts or logic then you have to play with emotional responses. Just so you know I am not making up this craziness.
  12. S

    When will people see their government has been hijacked and the...

    When the conspiracy theorists no longer twist facts to make them fit.
  13. S

    How do you like this joke?

    A guy is visiting San Francisco, and walks into a small store in Chinatown. He notices a small bronze statue of a rat. He asks the owner "how much", and the owner replies "$50 for the bronze rat, and $1000 for the story behind it". The guy says, "forget the story", and buys the rat. As he's...
  14. S

    politics, who should i vote for as president, and why?

    If you are that weak willed that you need to ask that here then I recommend not voting.
  15. S

    Anchorage Alaska is having the coldest summer on record is this more proof of global

    warming? Even though one of the things that is supposed to happen due to global warming is higher temperatures. Another thing that is being down played is that temperatures taken out in the oceans are not rising the way that they were claiming.