Recent content by sombody

  1. S

    Which car do you prefer? Question about Dodge Charger?

    The Nissan should be cheaper.
  2. S

    Why should there be a high-speed train from NY City to Washington DC?

    Because it would be fun but the republicans pretend things cost to much,
  3. S

    Are the Chevrolet Aveos reliable cars?

    It depends on your luck. When the Aveo first became available I would have said no. They were ugly and very prone to problems. The new ones do tend to work better but it depends on what you have come acrose. Today for the most part they are an average car in reliability.
  4. S

    i need a laugh can you help?

    Two zebras are talking and one asks the other, "Am I black with white stripes or white with black stripes?" The other replies, "Well I don't know. You should pray to God about that and ask him." So that night he did and God replied, "You are what you are." The next day he said to the other...
  5. S

    If I removed all my tagged photos is there a way i can get them back?

    like iv seen people delete there defaults but then they put them back on and it still keeps all the comments it had before. it was like they never deleted it but they did cause it wasn't there. i don't know what to do, please help, i want them back
  6. S

    Where can I find election night coverage from ABC or CBS or CNN available on DVD?

    Looking for 11/4 coverage of election night from ABC or CBS or CNN on DVD.
  7. S

    Who do you think has it worse?

    1 person: when she was little her mom would hit her sometimes and yell at her, when they made a big move things go wrose. Her mom would always scream at her dad for the littlest things. her dads job wasent in the state that they moved to so he would travel every week there and only come home to...
  8. S

    Arrow shaped wound?

    About 2 months ago I had an arrow shaped open wound on the side of my stomac. It look to be a group of cuts the shape of an arrow. Never any bleeding. Today its all closed up but there is still a scar there. Its about 4 inches by 3 inches. What was it?