Recent content by snafu

  1. S

    Should I run on a treadmill or go on a run outdoors?

    Run outdoors it is much less boring than being on a treadmill starring at the same thing for a long time.
  2. S

    Got Something on your chest? Let it out!

    Shitty Buzz, Barnaby. :tdown: I think I'm an alcoholic. I have cravings to drink all the time, even when I'm alone at home.
  3. S

    Where you breastfed?

    I was breast feed till I was 2..
  4. S

    Spiritual speaking will my boyfriend enjoy the food i am going to cook fo him?

    Probably. I refuse to learn how to cook, so my boyfriend can eat me. Wait, what?
  5. S

    The Greatest Insult.

    teabagging their unconcious body
  6. S


    I am Miley.
  7. S

    How many songs can the 8gb itouch hold?

    i have an 8gb itouch....i heard its supposd to hold around 2000 songs right? but i ran out of memory at 958 SONGS?!?! WHY?? I HAVE NO APPS. NO VIDEOS. NO PHOTOS JUST THAT MUSIC
  8. S

    How many songs can the 8gb itouch hold?

    i have an 8gb itouch....i heard its supposd to hold around 2000 songs right? but i ran out of memory at 958 SONGS?!?! WHY?? I HAVE NO APPS. NO VIDEOS. NO PHOTOS JUST THAT MUSIC
  9. S

    Need some help with some riddles...?

    1/ the other coin is a nickel. it is said one is not a nickel- it is the other coin that is a nickel 2/ one - (st)one 3/ there all same size (in measurement) 4/ 5/ white (hes at the north pole so all directions are south and polar bears live there)
  10. S

    Age your first saw porn

    At about 12 when I sneaked downstairs late at night to watch tv. I was such a perve and it was obvious I was doing it. :rolleyes: Oh and my best friend always used to show me posters in her older brother's room when we were kids.
  11. S

    Is this an interesting memoir topic?

    Yeah, sounds like a great memoir topic. Especially in today's world of obesity and fast food addictions, it might really give teenagers some encouragement. I'd say go for it.
  12. S

    Is this an interesting memoir topic?

    Yeah, sounds like a great memoir topic. Especially in today's world of obesity and fast food addictions, it might really give teenagers some encouragement. I'd say go for it.
  13. S

    Im going Army, officer or enlisted

    One more thing. I'm sure all of you fuckers have never seen combat. Don't talk as if war is fighting 24/7 and cool. Stay the fuck out of the Armed Forces if you are in it for the glory and fun. The Military isn't fun. Period.
  14. S

    Three types of girls...

    What is there to discuss.