Recent content by slyce476

  1. S

    How do you wear your hat?

  2. S

    How much does join date matter to you?

    IE or Firefox? giggity.
  3. S

    University Song

    Jamie foxx- blame it on the alcohol d banj - suddenly durella - shayo
  4. S

    What would you do, if pbnation.....

    go to pos and not go on the computer as much.
  5. S

    Poll: Yahoo or Google

    Fixed. :runaway:
  6. S

    What do you do while taking a shit?

    I do some of my best thinking on the crapper.
  7. S

    Does anyone know where I can get free music recording software???

    I used to have Acid 4.0, but my computer crashed. I don't have the disc to reinstall it. Is there any program that I can use to record. I don't need effects, or anything special I just want to record, playback and if possible record a few tracks on the same song. And I'm not using the built in...
  8. S

    RPG PS2 or Wii Game Suggestion?

    Dark cloud for PS2. It's really good, and it sounds like what your looking for.