Recent content by Slexxy

  1. S

    another forum that is on health with a twist

    go to all your stoopid questions on genitals can be found here.
  2. S

    A guide for our american neighbours

    hahaha thats pretty funny
  3. S

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    It depends on how much time you have to train, what your goals are, how well you recover and what other training you do. For example the powerlifters I train with lift 3 times a week, I can only lift twice and make gains because of my MA training Ive done 5 x 5 (of which there are so many...
  4. S

    What NEW thing did you learn today?

    that it actually is a good idea to have some water inbetween drinks at the club! never done that before, yesterday i did, and today i feel quite alright i.e. no horrendous hangover headache!
  5. S

    Punching Grannies...

    I have the urge to choke a chicken ocassionally.
  6. S

    Castle Law

    Not in California.
  7. S

    Insurance changes?

    What do we make of this? Seems odd to me...I can understand it (equality and all that) but surely it undermines the whole insurance business? If you can't differentiate risk between people how can you properly assess a suitable premium? Next thing...
  8. S

    songs that are pure evil

    I don't know SS, that last ones kind of subtle, biting on the butt, whatcha think??
  9. S

    BNP Brawl

    Quote "Cobblers. No one in this country gets arrested or sent to a concentration camp for saying anything 'inappropriate'. Comparing this country with nazi Germany is pretty childish. " Everything has a beginning and an the UK, what new labour did was introduce a whole raft of laws...
  10. S

    You guys...

    games over to many people killed it
  11. S

    Bilderberg 2009

    That's a HIGHLY academic and factual article there. You've changed my whole perspective!
  12. S

    who whould win bear vs gorilla
  13. S


    i'm glad the steelers won just because of how liberal seattle is.
  14. S

    hottest guy celeb?

    A new favorite of mine is Jesse Blaze Snyder.