Recent content by slayer

  1. S

    what are some good movies for teenagers?

    Fast Times at Ridgemont High Dazed and Confused
  2. S

    What do you think came first, the egg or the bird?

    It's been scientifically proven that the Bird came first. Another animal must have evolved into the fully fledged bird, so therefore the bird came first.
  3. S

    Home remedies for the common cold?

    One of my best friends brought me a concoction that had vodka, peppers and something else. He said it would help me to get over my cold faster. Aside from nearly burning the lips off my face, it did get rid of my scratchy throat. That made me wonder about other home remedies for the common...
  4. S

    What do you think about this quote by Roger Ebert?

    it's quite beautiful and I wish I could feel that way since I am necrophobic.
  5. S

    how can i hook up more then 2 speakers to my stereo?

    dont think thats possible, you wont get anymore power, so you might as well just hook up the best speakers
  6. S

    Problems with Samsung Propel?

    My Samsung Propel was accidentally hit into a pool by my friend. it stayed there for almost a minute before we could get it out. I tried to dry it out with a blow dryer, the rice in a bag trick, and putting it under fans and heat lamps. its been almost a week now and it still doesn't work. The...
  7. S

    Financial status and religion?

    I would think that you'd find atheism mainly in the middle to upper classes, where there is the benefit of higher education. Poverty breeds fear and ignorance, just the kind of environment in which religious faith flourishes.
  8. S

    iPhone question, need help?

    ok, so i need a new phone cuz my old side kick fell out of my pocket when i was skating, and the screen shattered, instead of buying the same phone, i was thinking of buying an iphone so i dont need to carry my ipod and my phone in my pockets. anyways, do you have to get a phone plan with at&t...
  9. S

    My girlfriend (fiance rather) is complaining about her braces?

    Every time she goes back to the ortho they add something else that adds more pressure and pain then her last visit. Is this normal? Also she has taken Ibuprofen and doesn't help the pain. What helps??? She's driving me crazy complaining about her pain (of course I understand) but what else might...
  10. S

    benefits of 2 way radios?

    What are the benefits of having a 2 way radio?
  11. S

    Ford ranger speaker installing?

    I got a ford ranger 01 and found out there is no speakers in the back just an empty hole and want to fix that. How would i hook up speakers back there?
  12. S

    Hp Premium Stereo HeadSet?

    I bought this and the mic doesn't work why is this? I can hear fine everything seems to be working fine the system says, Ive tried pressing the button on the inline switch no matter what i do its not working why!!
  13. S

    Hp Premium Stereo HeadSet?

    I bought this and the mic doesn't work why is this? I can hear fine everything seems to be working fine the system says, Ive tried pressing the button on the inline switch no matter what i do its not working why!!
  14. S

    bluetooth head set question?

    How far can your phone be from you and it will still work?