Recent content by Simmy

  1. S

    I liked it when he talked to me like this?

    I've been talking to this guy for almost 2 months. He's really sweet and he's funny. He says all the right things. I've never liked anyone as much as I like him. He's 16 and I'm 15. He was my first kiss. I'm a virgin and i told him that I'm not losing "it" for a looong time and he said "Thats...
  2. S

    I haven't talked to him in 3 days?

    I've been talking to this guy for almost 2 months and we talk everyday. I text him first one day then he'd text me first the next and so on. Like a pattern. But I texted him first last time and he hasn't texted me in 3 days. I don't want to appear clingy so I'm not gonna text him, I'm gonna wait...
  3. S

    I haven't talked to him in 3 days?

    I've been talking to this guy for almost 2 months and we talk everyday. I text him first one day then he'd text me first the next and so on. Like a pattern. But I texted him first last time and he hasn't texted me in 3 days. I don't want to appear clingy so I'm not gonna text him, I'm gonna wait...
  4. S

    rumour says he likes me, but he says otherwise, confused as?

    Talk to him (: From what it seems I think he likes you, but before you get your hopes up, you should tell him you like him and ask him the same.
  5. S

    Quiz: What are your multiple intelligences?

    My top 3 (in order) were Musical, Social (Interpersonal), and Logic/Math. The rest (in order) were: Self (Intrapersonal) Body Movement (Kinesthetic) Language (Linguistic) Spatial Nature (Naturalist) Here's the link: Also, if...
  6. S

    Is breaking dawn boring?

    Whoever read breaking dawn do you think its boring!because i am going to read can you tell me if breaking dawn is boring?
  7. S

    Old and famous people saying bling on tv?

    I need a list of old / white / and famous people saying the word bling on tv. someone like martha stewart would be perfect. I cant really find anything though.. Help me please ?
  8. S

    Song at end of twilight?

    Theres a music that plays as soon as it shows victoria at the end just before the credits. i wanna know what song or music it was? its like victoria is in the prom dress, her hair up, and she like walks down the stairs or something..
  9. S

    Song on Kia Magentis Commercial?

    There is a new commercial for the Kia Magentis and I was wondering if someone knew the song that plays in the background. The commercial is the car driving in a large gray room. Thanks so much!
  10. S

    Airbag installation for Chrysler?

    hey guys we have a Town & Country chrysler and i wanted to know how much each airbag would cost with installation. if it helps its a minivan and 1999
  11. S

    is there a site that i can use to get free ringtones? my carrier is virgin mobile?

    I have tried ventones, but after clicking on "send to phone", i get as message saying Link to Us or something like that. i don't have internet so i need the ringtone to be downloaded straight to cell phone.
  12. S

    LG vx9900 video format?

    what format do the videos have to be to go in my LG EnV? its verizon.. i got my music in but i cant seem to figure out the video section. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP??????? ~~Please n Thank You~~
  13. S

    unlocking code for samsung x640?

    I want to unlock a new (second hand) phone from a network. I need a code. Have searched the net and found some sites. Most want to charge you. Some say free but I dont feel comfy putting my phone number on their sites. I have asked the network its locked to and they say up to 10 days as they...