Recent content by sexymcmanpants

  1. S

    what are some cheap or possibly free video editing programs that are like... cut pro? and I am using a pc btw.but basically I want the time line (of course) and to be able to edit in text wherever I want and to be able to put videos on top of one another.
  2. S

    how do I edit out crackling in fl studios 9?

    ok, so basically I have this song that I am working on and for some reason when the bass drum hits sometimes i get little crackling noises. how would I go about fixing this and is there like a tutorial I could watch to help me? here is the track btw.
  3. S

    Who should i complain too?

    did they stick the food into the oven? if they were the germs die anyway so this is not a problem. same thing if they aren't wearing gloves. the worst place though is chicken in waffles. dear god, its horrible there...
  4. S

    What Bands Do You Want On Warped Tour 09?

    the kansas and missouri line up sucks. the only bands I want to see are bad religion and the architects because they are a local band in kansas. I wish that nofx, rancid, pennywise, and anti-flag would come. that would be the sh!t but they aren't coming anywhere near hear. instead it is a...
  5. S

    Questions about Vans Warped Tour...?

    if your an underoath fan than expect to be made fun of alot by nofx fans. nofx is the best band there though. but both are playing. also, expect to see some boobs. and try to stay hydrated.
  6. S

    What is the most messed up music video you've ever seen?

    It was one by tool. the one with the giant snails. although most of there stuff is pretty strange. still awesome though.
  7. S

    You can beg your way into Hollywood now?!?

    yeah, he had an ok voice. but the last chick wasn't last. notice how the others before her were performing and the windows were black from night. but when she came up it was daytime? plus in the previews for the next episode you know that he gets eliminated because he gets off the stage all...
  8. S

    If you had the chance, to look into the future and see what you looked like...?

    yeah. change is always good. but if you didn't know how you got there than you would always question wether or not you are making the right decison. it would drive you crazy.;_ylt=AsmoqgRqvLv2I4vkUKw9REfsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090108010441AAEQ761
  9. S

    where can i find....?

    the final episode of season one of fully culli?
  10. S

    Does music from a CD have higher quality than a downloaded torrent?

    yeah. you can't get better quality than a cd because a cd is direct. the only quality that could be better is an AIFF file. but seeing as one of those files equals about 10+ mp3's it is no wonder they are put as mp3. and i am pretty sure radiohead did that on purpose...