Recent content by Sageandscholar

  1. S

    What message is being given by DC lawmakers who say they can`t afford...

    Who is claiming that? Like the majority of Americans, lawmakers get thier health insurance from their employer and will continue to do so under ObamaCare.
  2. S

    Why are conservatives whining over a 0.1% unemployment increase...?

    Because they are desperate to keep up the pretense that the economic disaster they caused is Obama's fault, detract attention from any positive news (for instance 2 million jobs created in each of the last two years) and so stick with cherry picking lagging indicators. Rounder - people were...
  3. S

    When Obama says "Common sense tax hikes" what does he mean?

    He means lets return to the tax rates of the 1990s when we saw the longest economic expansion in history, full employment, budget surpluses record low poverty.
  4. S

    Conservatives are opposing the use of food stamps at KFC and Taco Bell! When will...

    These are the same people who declared ketchup and pizza to be vegetables?
  5. S

    Why did Reagan once rant in a speech about the unfairness of overly-generous...

    Because despite all his faults (and there were a few) Reagan was part of a Republican Party that honestly did have the best interests of the USA at heart.
  6. S

    Why don't conservatives and Republicans give proof when they say a majority

    Because there simply is no proof to support their argument
  7. S

    What will Liberals complain about when 32 African Americans win for the GOP in...

    So there is not a single African American Republican in the House. Obama's victory shocked the GOP into taking some cynical tokenistic action. And if that weren't bad enough - you actually think it is something to boast about? Sad, very sad
  8. S

    Did reagan's speech ultimately free US hostages in 1980 from Iran? Compared to Ford?

    First of all, of the 66 hostages taken in the Tehran Embassy hostage crisis, 13 were released in Nov 1979, 52 on Jan 20 1981 and only 1 in July 1980. So which hostages are you referring to being freed in 1980, and which Reagan speech? The majority of the hostages were in fact released as a...
  9. S

    I walked around school the other day with my shiny Arguing with Idiots book in hand

    Reading literature that labels those with a different political viewpoint as "idiots" and then being unable to even defend yourself in a battle of wits without the help of YA members pretty much tells us who the real idiot is doesn't it?
  10. S

    Why do Obots COMPLAIN when you ATTACH FACTS to the QUESTION you are ASKING?

    Attach facts - you mean like a link to an example of what you accusing them of?
  11. S

    Isn't it fun to watch the Republicans whine and moan here every day?

    Actually it is more fun to see them refuse to learn a single lesson from their embarrassing losses in 2006 and 2008. Rather than appeal to moderate and independent voters most still seem to think they have to lurch further to the right and many are still cherry picking polls to misrepresent in...
  12. S

    Why are the "politically correct" so void of humor?

    We are not. We simply have a sense of humor that does not require offending others.
  13. S

    Will unemployment be around 12.2% by New Year's, given the current trend we're...

    The reason the articles are not forecasting this trend to continue is that signs of an imminent economic recovery are already in place.