Recent content by rowlfe

  1. R

    Ban the last poster before you post

    Fish of Doom for not liking a protestor. This country was built on protestors. Well, maybe not YOURS, but our was!
  2. R

    Torrent went from fast to slow. Why?

    How many seeds and peers? Every seed has a copy of the entire file being shared. Every peer has a portion of the file being shared. Each can provide portions to you, as well as others. So, two things are at work here, the number of seeds and peers, and the number of people who are requesting the...
  3. R

    Is it legal to download a game torrent if you owned it before and lost it / too

    If you "lost" your copy, too bad. Get a replacement CD from the game manufacturer and take better care of it this time. Most game manufacturers will exchange a game disk for a new one for a nominal fee. It is still against the law for the person sharing the file to share it, and illegal for you...
  4. R

    Science versus Religion?

    Religion has no FACTS to back anything claimed. Science looks for FACTS to back claims. Science fact, religious fiction...
  5. R

    How to burn copyrighted DVD to DVD?

    Sorry to be the bearer of BAD NEWS but making a copy of copyrighted material is ILLEGAL, and the DVD recorder is just insuring you do not inadvertently break the law. The entertainment industry got Congress to require this "feature" in DVD recorders. The thing is, the recorder senses a signal in...
  6. R

    I know bit-torrents are illegal but is btguard illegal?

    Bittorrent is a peer to peer networking system for sharing files. Bittorent is NOT illegal. It is 100% LEGAL to share files. What is illegal is sharing COPYRIGHTED MATERIALS, which is what may be INSIDE the file being shared. Sharing a file is legal, but if the file contains copyrighted...
  7. R

    Latest squid news

    There's tablets they can get for that nowadays........Oh Omnipotent sorry misread it
  8. R

    summer vacation plans

    I kicked off summer with helping set up a Bret Michaels concert, got to know him on first-name terms. And got his bandanna he wore that night. Had to slit a few drunk hookers throats to get it. The "big" vacation is going to Cancun with 4 friends for a week and 3 days. Summer in general is...
  9. R

    What's the gravities effect on the speed of a sattelite circling the earth?

    No change. The satellite is in a state of balance, equilibrium, in an ideal world. What WILL change is air friction in the real world. Even at many hundreds of miles, there IS a small number of air molecules in space, which will have a cumulative effect from DRAG. So, in the real world, all...
  10. R

    Beer > Children.

    Beer > Children. Did they ever take into consideration that the child was being punished for a past event?
  11. R


    sell it on ebay.
  12. R

    Would it be fair if I tell my kid that God isn't real in the future?

    Your problem is one that has been faced by many, evidence. Lack of evidence proves exactly nothing, just as hearsay proves exactly nothing. Carl Sagan said about life in the universe, that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Meaning, that just because there is no evidence FOR life...
  13. R

    How come a blank DVD says 120 mins, but only lets me pput 70?

    My DVD recorder has a selectable "mode" for recording. Standard Play (SP) records for 120 minutes. Long Play (LP) records for 240 minutes. And Extended Play (EP) records for 360 minutes. There is a 4th setting, XP, which records for 70 minutes from the HD inputs only and is the highest quality...
  14. R

    How come astronauts in sci fi movies wear unrealistic space suits that WOULD NOT

    You have answered your own question, it's because the LOOK GOOD... Why use something realistic when you don't have to? Not all movies do this. Alien, for example, had suits quite similar to what NASA uses today. So did the movie, "2001 - A Space Odyssey". It all depends on the budget...
  15. R

    loss in faith of the justice system

    But it's not cheaper than a 45. I wonder how many people would do the things' like rape, cold blooded murder, if they were faceing a 45 and not a judge?