Recent content by Rounder

  1. R

    Isn't being a straight, white American man the greatest thing?

    only if you are left handed - if you know what i mean
  2. R

    How did a man enter to hunting shop, kill all 3 salesman(who had guns) and then

    because in russia, gun kills you somewhere in africa, a child died while on government assistance, too... can you see the correlation between that situation, russia, and anything happening in the united states?
  3. R

    Why are conservatives whining over a 0.1% unemployment increase...?

    hmm... i seem to remember democrats saying obama would decrease the unemployment rate to below 4% in four years - 4 years ago - and yet, it's higher than when he started tell me, is it that his policies don't work or that he is incapable of fixing the problem?
  4. R

    Do free proxy sites help hide your torrent downloads?

    I know they help do hide your IP Address from websites that you visit, but can this also be used to protect your IP Address from being discovered by companies trying to sue people for downloading their stuff via torrents?
  5. R

    Thank God for freedom of religion in the US, will others countries

    hey daniel - your link is a fine example of why wikipedia IS NOT a credible source
  6. R

    why do us military use jeeps?

    so you think the only vehicle used in the US military is a jeep? ok... not sure where to begin so --- try starting here -->
  7. R

    What happens if you get 4 DWIs and all are FTA?

    hopefully life. 4 DUI's? Has he killed anyone yet? There are several issues going on with this though. 3 previous failure to appear - I am going to assume there was a bench warrant on him with each one. It will also depend on the time frame these occurred.
  8. R

    How much do celebrity bodyguards earn?

    How hard is it to get a bodyguard job?