Recent content by rosa

  1. R

    I love them Big and Soft. How about you ST? *PICS*

    *waits for Unlawful's cookie picture*
  2. R

    A DVD club charges a $15 membership fee and $3 for each DVD you rent..?

    DVD Club 1: DVD Club 2: 15+3=18 (Membership+1 DVD) 10+4=14 18+3=21 (2 DVD's) 14+4=18 21+3=24 (3 DVD's) 18+4=22 24+3=27...
  3. R

    iPhone 3 wont connect?

    NO LEAS LO ICE PARA SALVARME SORRYen 1997 una chica yamada Lauren murió y en 2000 la encontraron en el bosque tirada muerta y ponia en su mano:no fui lo suficiente wapa y la chica que la encontró poco despues murio asi que si lees esto ala noche Mary se aparecerá en el espejo y te matará.S i no...
  4. R

    Do you recognize the user above you?

    no, get out
  5. R

    how can i know what i need for windows vista to connect toa bluetooth device?

    i have a HP pavillion laptop with windows vista ; i was able to pair it with Bluetooth speaker but i cant listen to music on it. on the speaker properties tab i see it shows " connection not in use" what am i lacking
  6. R

    All things perogies!

    you're annoying, fuck you
  7. R

    Replacing an engine in a 2000 Chrysler Concored?

    My car is shot. My grandpaw is a mechanic and has found the problem and a rebuilt engine for 400. But he has heart problems and cannot replace it. I was wondering how.much is should cost a mechanic to replace it. I don't.want to go somewhere and get ripped off.
  8. R

    What do you think happens when you die?

    true, but this exact same thread was already going on in philosophy when the OP started this one.
  9. R

    Probably the coolest map ever

    Strong first post. Truth
  10. R

    updated gore thread *NEW PICS*

    ghey at all the wanky new 07'ers not having a clue what it is.. its looking heaps better man and its looking pretty good scar wise... lol at last pics a penis..
  11. R

    Hair dye question lol?

    there are hair lighteners that can lift box color, but it might be damaging. only a professional will be able to lift your hair the right amount of levels and make it look natural with the least amount of damage. they'll probably use a high-lift blonde color that lifts and deposits a natural...
  12. R

    Fashion Trending style? 10 Points!?

    I have been looking/"studying" the trends for the rest of this year for a long time considering I have a fashion blog.So I am a trustworthy source! Here they are! I don't go by just what people wear around,but these are the trends you see on runway,celebrities,and fashion magazines...
  13. R

    Should I sell my xbox to buy a bike?

    Selling your xbox would definitlly be worth it.:)