Recent content by resepebe

  1. R

    What is "r5 dvdrip xvid-max"?

    you shouldn't post questions about stuff like that on here... try. vlc player, it supports a wide variety of codecs and it's free :)
  2. R

    What is "r5 dvdrip xvid-max"?

    you shouldn't post questions about stuff like that on here... try. vlc player, it supports a wide variety of codecs and it's free :)
  3. R

    What is "r5 dvdrip xvid-max"?

    you shouldn't post questions about stuff like that on here... try. vlc player, it supports a wide variety of codecs and it's free :)
  4. R

    What is "r5 dvdrip xvid-max"?

    you shouldn't post questions about stuff like that on here... try. vlc player, it supports a wide variety of codecs and it's free :)
  5. R

    Does Taco Bell give anyone else EXPLOSIVE DIARRHEA?

    when i read this all i could picture was bad boys with an exploding bathroom stall.
  6. R

    What is your favourite "gag" from "Just For Laughs Gags" ?

    mine is the board meeting in the portable bathrooms. edit: yahoo recommends this question be posted in "Pregnancy & Parenting > Newborn & Baby"??? lolz
  7. R

    Who else totally loves technology and gadgets?

    my computer.
  8. R

    {QUIZ} Just some fun questions for all the bored people out there tonight?

    1. If you'd gone to elementary school with hitler, would u have played with him during recess? 2. What is your fav kind of Pop? 3. Do you think LaunchPad (from Darkwing Duck) is taking Roids? 4. What is your fav band? 5. Did u brush your teeth yet tonight? 6. WOULD U EVER WRITE AN ESSAY IN...
  9. R

    i need a funny motto...?

    what's if for? yahoo answers? how about "save the elves!" or how about "i love answers." or how about "no-one can answer but me! :P"
  10. R

    Mike Meyers As A Kid + LUV GURU?

    is it just me, or was the part where they put mike's head on a kids body...COMPLETELY AWESOME? yes, definitely watch the movie. :)
  11. R

    What's The Best April Fools Prank?

    change your answering machine to make it sound like a corporations phone...and see how many messages you get.
  12. R

    How old do you have to be to buy Cigarettes, in Canada?

    i'm guessing it varies by how about for BC, Alberta, and Saskatchewan?
  13. R

    Anyone know any movies about...?

    The Island. (not exactly what you're looking for, but i think you'd enjoy it).
  14. R

    IE8... Windows Vista?

    i just installed IE8 yesterday, and i'm running Vista. It's pretty much the same as IE7, just more options and complicated stuff.