Recent content by ~REPTAR~

  1. R

    Why do girls gossip so much?

    I dont really know, its kind of fun. Hahaha :D I guess because it gives us something to do and it starts up a conversation. I mean if your talking to someone and you dont know how to break the awkwardness you just have to say," Oh did you hear that Ally likes Josh?" and then you have a big...
  2. R

    Who was your first CELEB crush?

    mine was the dude from blues clues =/ and a little too not over you, how can u not have reached ur daily limit? uve been answering questions ALL day! ah
  3. R

    poll:Whos sick and tired of these trolls taking over the celeb section?

    i am... btw im noodles :] but i made a new account because too many trolls were emailing me rude stuff.
  4. R

    Who was your first CELEB crush?

    mine was the dude from blues clues =/ and a little too not over you, how can u not have reached ur daily limit? uve been answering questions ALL day! ah
  5. R

    poll:Whos sick and tired of these trolls taking over the celeb section?

    i am... btw im noodles :] but i made a new account because too many trolls were emailing me rude stuff.
  6. R

    wht do your freinds/family think of your Celeb obsessions??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    My dad laughs at me because everytime i hear lovebug on disney channel i scream my head off! my sisters dont mind because they think the jonas brothers are hot (even though there 18,20, and 21!) and my mom...i dont know, never really says anything...
  7. R

    Whts your celeb embarresing moment?

    when i met miley cyrus i got too excited and was breathing really hard and i kept screaming at my dad," TAKE A PICTURE!!" i think she got scared so she ran away... =/