Recent content by ReneeD

  1. R

    aussie check in

    Here is the link for anyone intrested. Make sure you vote. I'm looking forward to drinking you all under the table.
  2. R

    Meanest thing you have ever said

    actually I just thought of an even worse one. I was in English class in the 6th grade bored as hell so I started making beats on my desk w/ my friends. this fat girl in front of me was sleeping when she cocked her head up and turned around and told me to 'sit down and stfu'. I said, "fuck you...
  3. R


    scares the mess out of me. thnx for the nightmare doosh
  4. R

    First Beer

    No ones ever to old for ST :)
  5. R

    Boston Bomber Charged With Using WMD

    Like AR-15's, maybe there should be a push to ban back packs. Especially whenever there is a crowded event
  6. R

    Margaret Thatcher has died

    She was warned. She pushed on anyway.
  7. R

    Attn McDonalds Employees!

  8. R

    Caucasian in my country.

    Just come to Scotland. open a wee shop. We'll love you
  9. R

    The Carnivore Thread

    Good girl. You had me at salad cream (*little tear down face*) *Pats Sam on head.
  10. R

    Weird or different places you have used/use to study or read

    I can see the sweat beginning to bead on your forehead as the alarm sirens are going off and turtle-head is peaking as you run around in a panic deciding between FHM and Empire... You sir are a man of risk!
  11. R

    Posters of the year

    I like Rampage Jackson too.
  12. R

    Who are you and why are you on my sofa

    my friends brother used to play with his poop in the bathtub like submarines. I win.
  13. R

    Best street party.... Ever?

    Totally agree with Spooky on this one. The cops have enough on their plate as it is not to have to put up with dissipating a crowd of 500 teenagers, some of whom rushed, attacked, threw bottles at them etc. This boy named Corey is an idiot and a failure of the highest order. The WORST thing is...
  14. R

    Money well spent...

    My iPod. Gotten so much use out of it. Ummm that's really it I guess.
  15. R

    new picture battle

    This should melt that iceberg in no time!