Recent content by rebekkah

  1. R

    Is there a song that always makes you laugh when you hear it?

    I was in the car today when "Big Balls" came on the radio and I couldn't help but laugh.
  2. R

    Atheists, I've got the inspector gadget theme song stuck in my head what should I do?

    Oh, that song was so catchy! Listen to something else that gets stuck in your head, like Woman From Tokyo, that song will stick in your head for days on end. When I got up this morning, I had the song from The A-Team stuck in my head.
  3. R

    Why should Christ's birth NOT be celebrated?

    I don't see why it should be wrong to celebrate it, but could Christians at least celebrate his real birthday instead of stealing a Pagan celebration date?
  4. R

    If Christianity is the one true religion, why do Paganism, Judaism, and Islam

    work fine for non-Christians? @oli: So a religion is true if it doesn't work? @old timer: Did you not read my question in its entirety? do I sound like a Christian to you? If so, maybe you should read more carefully.
  5. R

    POLL: have you ever gotten sick from eating raw cookie dough?

    No and I've eaten quite a bit of it. It is possible though, because of the eggs in the cookie dough.
  6. R

    POLL: Do ya like this song?

    Yes! I love Fleetwood Mac!
  7. R

    Poll: From this menu of fine cuisine which dishes would you order?

    I can always pick the cricket out of the tofu, so I'll go with that one.
  8. R

    I have a bone to pick with christians/non-belevers?

    If hell exists, why would living humans be able to get so close to it?
  9. R

    Can you watch this without laughing?

    For the first few seconds, I thought it was gonna be funny, but then, it wasn't.
  10. R

    When someone says, "Can you watch this video without laughing?" do you

    usually not laugh? optional video link: I find this funny. You may agree or disagree.
  11. R

    Poll: Don't you hate it when....?

    Yes, it's so annoying! I like your style (sarcasm)!
  12. R

    Anyone else wish that fashion wouldn't change any more?

    I don't mind if it changes with decent fashions coming. I just hope we don't go through any more phases like those awful Spice Girl shoes I used to wear when I was 13. *shudders at the memory*
  13. R

    Yes or no , British humour is funnier than american humour?

    Completely depends on the specific movie or show. British Whose Line Is It Anyway? is wa-a-ay funnier than the American version but sometimes British humor isn't funny at all.
  14. R

    I Believe Christ Died for My Sins and I Love Him ? Why are Evil Thoughts in

    My first thought is that maybe you're OCD, but I can't tell with the amount of info you give. Would I have gotten 2 thumbs up instead of down if I had blamed it on the devil? lmao