Recent content by Priscilla

  1. P

    Suggest some new cartoons for me?

    i think dragonball is good enough...........if you watch too much, you will become a couch potato
  2. P

    I can't play DVD's on my Ps2. WHY?

    I use too be able to play DVD's on my Ps2. I recently have been putting DVD's in it, but it won't work. I go to Browser, and it says it can't read the disc. I don't know what to do. I have been messing with the settings, and I am totally confused. Please help me!
  3. P

    The blatant lies thread

    Yes... no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes...
  4. P


    Mmmmmm I tried this Johnno and it has in the past week become my favourite breakfast ever! Using really nice plump oats too.
  5. P

    Do you know interesting websites to make money?

    Two website which I have tested : n°1 FCM, your earn 3 % PER DAY on invested money payment in 48 hours - minimum invest 20 $ (one profit unit and one cycler) n°2 yournewearnings, your earn 2 % PER DAY on invested money minimum invest 5 $...
  6. P

    What would you take?

    A spaceship, lots of fuel and a spare red alert bulb.
  7. P

    when you write "wednesday"

    when you write "wednesday" yaz
  8. P

    Would you hug a gay guy?

    I guess its the same thing as hugging an ugly girl...
  9. P

    Who wants to be a pirate?

    Aye aye Captain! I reckon ya didna like me suggestion of that little rock I am reconoitering this week. Arrr, I suppose the men in skirts scared ye off! Avast and Yo Ho, I hear there is an island on the bottom of the planet ruled by a pirate queen name Booksie Girl. Maybe she'll be...
  10. P

    How can i get free ringtones to my phone?

    I have a lg rumor touch and i was just wandering how i could get free ringtones. I dont have phone data/web though. Thanks!
  11. P

    girl trouble

    Have you notice that since you're in a serious relationship/married that more girls hit on you? I'm sure they do it to tease us as they know we're not going to do anything lol - sorry bit off topic.
  12. P

    Camcorder on Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc doesn't start?

    So the camera on the phone works alright, with a "touch screen" indicator on the top right side of the screen, but when I switch it over to camcorder, the indicator becomes a palm and won't start. Any solutions? Thanks in advance. :)
  13. P

    verizon or comcast internet service is only provider?

    Comcast cheaper price good speed Verizon always has high prices