Recent content by Pranav

  1. P

    Best place to buy tea online

    White Tea rocks, i,m a tea lover and hate coffee. I sent some to a friend in America for his english wife, lemme know if you want some LOL this is a company we deal with at work and supply nice tea
  2. P

    Uh oh...the nerds are at it again....

    Collisions comparable to those created by the LHC happen every day in nature in our atmosphere, so if such collisions can cause a black hole, clearly the black hole is not a danger. So what is the difference between a black hole that instantly decays and poses no danger, and no black hole at all?
  3. P

    Which mountain bike should I buy?

    Hey, I am interested in buying a mountain bike with double disk brakes. Please mention the companies and their models that manufacture such bikes. Please be Indian and try to cost not more than 10000 Indian Currency ($184.62).
  4. P

    Can you reverse a normal skateboard truck?

    Hey Everyone! I know that there are two basic types of trucks: normal trucks and reverse kingpin trucks. I know that reverse kingpin trucks give you a wider turn radius and are normally used on longboards. I was wondering if by reversing a normal kingpin truck would you get the same effect as a...
  5. P

    "Siezure" like Sleep disorder HELP!

    "Siezure" like Sleep disorder HELP! Sleeping habits are pretty interesting. It's entirely possible to die in a dream too, if you are fucked up enough. All someone needs to do is dream they are dying, and they will if they don't wake up before the death. That's why you never die when you fall...
  6. P

    Hershey Park - All Nighter

    You will be fine as long as you remember to wear these
  7. P


    This thread is one "o" short of good.
  8. P

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    lol..... self defence. "You kidnapped 3 of my soldiers, im gonna bomb your whole country".
  9. P

    Could my iPod touch connect to a bluetooth headset?

    yes it can turn on Bluetooth on your headset go to settings in your iPod-> go to general-> Bluetooth-> turn it on ->it will automatically search for available devices and connect to your Bluetooth headset
  10. P

    if you could tell future events..?

    if you are so sure,, try out with the things the you didn't forsee!! Was those events from your dreams or you could percieve them like in final destination... Get out and predict the events and use it for good!!
  11. P

    Do I need to buy an iPad 2 if I already own an iPhone 4?

    Will it be necessary? Because I'm planning to buy a blackberry playbook instead because I already have an iPhone 4.
  12. P

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    they are here
  13. P

    When will Android apps on the Blackberry Playbook come out?

    I've heard alot of rumours. Is it true? Is yes, when will it come out?
  14. P

    What DVD Drive [Fastest] & Blue-Ray Drive to be bought for Ultra High End Gaming Rig?

    What DVD Drive [Fastest] & Blue-Ray Drive to be bought for Ultra High End Gaming Rig? Well, I just ordered some of high end parts for my custom gaming rig. Its one of the monster gaming rig. I am just confused about what DVD drive & Blue-Ray drive to be bought for this PC. I want very fast DVD...