Recent content by PeterTaylor

  1. P

    Will there be an unexpected plot twist in the new Star Wars films?

    The second trilogy was great, but it lacked the legendary moment when a secret is revealed and the ceiling comes rushing to your head. I wonder if the new trilogy has something like it. It would be nice to be genuinely surprised again in a film...
  2. P

    How is the civil union (i.e. gay marriage) treated in the UK rules of succession?

    I was wondering that since UK is amongst the first countries that accepted gay marriage, if that applies also to their royal family. Let's say that one member in line to the throne comes out and marries his or her partner. Does he/she lose his/her place to the succession line? Does the partner...
  3. P

    How is the civil union (i.e. gay marriage) treated in the UK rules of succession?

    I was wondering that since UK is amongst the first countries that accepted gay marriage, if that applies also to their royal family. Let's say that one member in line to the throne comes out and marries his or her partner. Does he/she lose his/her place to the succession line? Does the partner...
  4. P

    How is the civil union (i.e. gay marriage) treated in the UK rules of succession?

    I was wondering that since UK is amongst the first countries that accepted gay marriage, if that applies also to their royal family. Let's say that one member in line to the throne comes out and marries his or her partner. Does he/she lose his/her place to the succession line? Does the partner...
  5. P

    How is the civil union (i.e. gay marriage) treated in the UK rules of succession?

    I was wondering that since UK is amongst the first countries that accepted gay marriage, if that applies also to their royal family. Let's say that one member in line to the throne comes out and marries his or her partner. Does he/she lose his/her place to the succession line? Does the partner...