Recent content by numbnuts222

  1. N

    Why is Christianity Considered Religion but Native American spirituality "folklore?"?

    Every religion, except that which belongs to person whose point of of view is being considered, is false. People are basically irrational.
  2. N

    Did Jesus have a sense of humour?

    Did he tell any jokes or witticisms in the Bible?
  3. N

    Did Christianity/Judaism create homophobia?

    It does seem so, in most ancient societies no one seemed bothered by it.
  4. N

    Atheists, is it bcos the world religions have been ridiculously pictured by

    You don't seem to grasp evolution, once you understand that you realise that eyes and the rest of the body aren't that mysterious.
  5. N

    Trends show more & more atheists are coming out of the closet to declare...

    So they can set up as tele-evangelists and join in fleecing Christians
  6. N

    Trends show more & more atheists are coming out of the closet to declare...

    So they can set up as tele-evangelists and join in fleecing Christians
  7. N

    Atheists, why am I well traveled than thou?

    Because you keep getting extradited
  8. N

    Atheists, how do you explain fulfilled prophecies in the bible?

    not believing in your religion the only explanation I can think of is fantasy
  9. N

    What do you think about the prophecies of mother shipton?

    I've been to her cave, she didn't tidy up much
  10. N

    Atheists, do you find prophecies to be a fascinating subject?

    No, I don't and I only watch those kind of movies on a wet Sunday afternoon with nothing else to do
  11. N

    Israel was restored in 1948... is this prophecy fulfilled?

    All the return to Israel stuff I've read in the Bible was concerning the return from Babylon, which was their immediate concern at the time. Considering that they were in exile themselves, even if they knew about the future diaspora it'd be way down the list of their concerns until they sorted...
  12. N

    Do atheists believe in the anti-Christ and end times?

    No, that guy was an idiot He doesn't even know what atheism means
  13. N

    How European Countries became Christian ?

    Paul took it to the genitiles, Peter took it to Rome, Constantine made it the official religion of the Empire, invading German tribes became Christian to become more Roman, England became Christian, Christian English people went to America and voila!
  14. N

    Alright I will ask, Is Atheism a religion, why or why not?

    Yes it is, I have a church I don't go to, religious rites I don't observe and a god I don't worship. So it must be.