Recent content by noneya

  1. N

    Better Sci-Fi trilogy The Matrix or Star Wars?

    In my opinion, The Matrix has to win this because as a diehard original triology fan I was just not happy with the new triology. Although the second and third Matrix movies did get progressively worse the first one was awesome.
  2. N

    please tell me what this means?

    "The car runs, so you can drive it away, it just doesn’t go very fast as it won’t shift out of first gear."
  3. N

    Dior on gossip girl?

    nope she just likes the bag
  4. N

    Rumor About My Boyfriend?

    me and my bf have been going out for 3 weeks or so and i've heard from a few people (maybe 5) that he paied a girl 5 dollars to have sex with him. they said she would do anythin for 5$$ becuz she really needed it. so i guess my bf paied her to have sex? i donnt know if this is true or not but...
  5. N

    I have unlimited texting on Verizon, do i have unlimited im?

    no..only if you have unlimited internet.
  6. N

    how do you do the 70's style on imagine fashion designer new york?

    im stuck which pants? pattern? color? what shirt? which color? pattern? im really stuck!! and i cant pass that!!!!!!!!!!! oh and im on a DS!
  7. N

    my parents bought my brother a car for Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    so they bought him every thing else he wanted and then a fricken expensive car?????? what the heck is all i said. i didnt get anything i wanted so what do i do????????
  8. N

    If Jack the Riper was a Black Democrat and lived in modern times, born

    Even though this question is erroneous and invalid on its face, because Jack the Ripper is a fictional character because it is a name given to a murderer in England by the press in England and the real murderer has never been found and tried, no he could not be and Senator Obama is more than...
  9. N

    I thought we obtain and use energy from water through dams. Is that not true?

    I was thinking 'dam power' is a 'green' way to produce energy and haven't we been doing it for years already, or is nuclear power the way we get most of the electric power we use?
  10. N

    Could you please help me out? it's really easy, get 10 pts!?

    Hi there! Sorry to trouble you, but if you guys wouldn't mind sparing me 10 seconds of your time, could you please go here and vote? (vote 5 stars!). This is my friend, she really deserves to win. She's one of the kindest people I've ever...