Recent content by nineteenkilo30hotel

  1. N

    Crazy Things You Have Done

    Should have cut his bits off Well done on that though.
  2. N

    Ban the last poster before you post

    For being boring.
  3. N

    Most US intelligence on Iran inaccurate

    It doesn't automatically follow that Iran would use nuclear weapons simply because they had them. A number of countries have nuclear weapons, but so far only one country has used them 'in anger'.
  4. N

    Electricity question

    Ok, that makes sense since I'm in a programming major. And, this leads me to my next crazy question: Since information is determined by the voltage of an electrical charge, could there be any other types of energy that could talk to the computer? I'm sorry if this sounds stupid but I was...
  5. N

    The Shit You Do And Dont Get In Trouble For

    i cheat 24/7 i build bombs im constanly shooting fireworks i shoot animals with my bb guns yet i will never smoke and not drink until im 21
  6. N

    So, I need a new user name

    damn i was expecting porn definatly go with shinysombrero
  7. N

    has anyone else noticed...

    I saw it. Nice catch.
  8. N

    The World Cup

    I heard 14 and 11 red cards so I don't know what's right and I can't find statistics. In an article in The Observer about him a couple a years ago it said:
  9. N

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    I think about that all the time
  10. N

    Wtf!!!???!! Earthquake In Socal!!!

    youve got to be shitting me. the only good thing that is in florida is brooke hogan.
  11. N

    Cats with ADHD

    My best freind growing up was an ADHD. He took ritalin for most of his life, which helped a bit. When we were about 15 he stopped taking it and the effect was noticable, to be specific; he went psyco and threw a chair at me (amongst other things). But in time he learned how to deal with it...
  12. N

    FTL = "For the loss" or "for the lose"

    FTL = "For the loss" or "for the lose" for the lulz?
  13. N

    In Time

    Start a mutha fucking revolution DGAF bout money
  14. N


    I might be lying