Recent content by neverendingstory

  1. N

    Uh oh...the nerds are at it again....

    No problem, to be fair though I said scientists and eminent physcists. These people all seem pretty familiar with their chosen subjects judging by the Dr. and Phd and Prof. surrounding their names. They also hold posts within scientific establishments which suggests they are compotent members of...
  2. N

    Trip With My Dad...Where To?

    allright. i voted england. this is the flag. ohhh darn i fucked the margins on this page too
  3. N

    Do you recognize the user above you?

    My best friend said shes just being Miley.
  4. N


    Well you can starve if you are out there, or put aside the Tufty squirrel and get a few to make sure you keep going. apart from that, they look good and apart from the fleas, they are fun to watch.
  5. N


  6. N

    Wierd with a beard!

    Like it says! Bizaro!
  7. N

    girl born with two faces...

    For sure. Where and what program did you apply to? This forum requires that you wait 45 seconds between posts. Please try again in 5 seconds.
  8. N

    My mom just said women are better drivers than men.

    she just said men have to pay more for car insurance because they're bad drivers haha
  9. N

    Anonymous VS Scientology in Vancouver

    Good vids of Boston raid us rick rolling them this is when the fire truck honked for us mission impossible bostonfags are legion
  10. N

    need advice

    It wouldn't matter if you told them. Newly presented info in court can't be used against or for you.
  11. N

    Man has Sex with Picnic Table

    i should try that
  12. N


    I've known several people who struggled with depression. Running the gamut from what you probably think of as a "potential depression victim" to seemingly confident, successful, optimistic, pillar-of-community kind of folks. Some dealt with it on their own, some took pills and are still here...