Recent content by nail_04

  1. N

    what are the three rounds of a mma fight?

    normally they are just timed rounds, the rules are the main focus . some rules are no kicking a down opponent in the head , soccor kicks, elbows , hits to the back of the head and other stuff. normally 5min per round or longer maybe shorter.
  2. N

    Is UFC the ultimate combat sport ?

    not really it cant be considered ultimate sport cause there are rules. you cant compare it to say a regular street fight where there are no rules just your imagination. i could pull out 3 guys in my hood that could take chuck , rampage or GSP but the fact is ,its all about entertainment and...
  3. N

    Is UFC the ultimate combat sport ?

    not really it cant be considered ultimate sport cause there are rules. you cant compare it to say a regular street fight where there are no rules just your imagination. i could pull out 3 guys in my hood that could take chuck , rampage or GSP but the fact is ,its all about entertainment and...
  4. N

    Is UFC the ultimate combat sport ?

    not really it cant be considered ultimate sport cause there are rules. you cant compare it to say a regular street fight where there are no rules just your imagination. i could pull out 3 guys in my hood that could take chuck , rampage or GSP but the fact is ,its all about entertainment and...