Recent content by n0spam4me

  1. N

    internet criminal activity , where I shod report?

    Sometimes (not always) the scammers are REAL STUPID that is they get "gmail" or "hotmail" or other generic accounts for you to email your response to their "offer" and these are easy to report just use "abuse@<domain-name>" and report them. Sometimes they get web-pages with free services and...
  2. N

    Are those internet credit card processing jobs legit?

    I really don't know, HOWEVER if its a "job" that is supposed to be a work at home gig, SNOT REEL! Anyhow, what are you supposed to do in "processing" said credit cards? There already are huge offices already set up to handle the transactions. what do they need a work at home person for?
  3. N

    How to make some cash over internet?

    "website that gives money" ya, you want somekinda magic lamp that all you have to do is rub it. or? Its all smoke & mirrors, there is NO internet pot-of-gold! You will have to create something of VALUE in order to get $ its as real as the laws of physics, you can't circumvent the rules.
  4. N

    Government/Politics Question?

    On the voting thing, it sort of makes a statement that so many AMERICANS do not vote, there should be a serious effort to restore faith in the system and encourage citizens to VOTE. The whole system needs help big time! The "4th estate" has sold out and is now a wholly owned subsidiary of...
  5. N

    Why are conspiracy theorists seen as lefties?

    so that the CONTROL freaks can perpetuate the "left" vs "right" game. This is only a distraction from the REAL issues. WHY did the worlds greatest military power FAIL to defend even its own HQ? WE THE PEOPLE paid big bux to fund a DEFENSE DEPARTMENT, and when it came time for them to do...
  6. N

    What must we do to get the South to stop voting for Lincoln's party?

    First of all, this whole "left" vs "right" "Democrats" VS "Republicans" game has got to go! Its an anti-productive load of crap! If this nation does have another election, PLEASE PEOPLE do vote for the NOT a Democrat and NOT a Republican! Show the forces of the NEW WORLD ORDER that WE THE...
  7. N

    Are all conspiracies unsubstantial and idiotic?

    May I point out that a projectile that was obviously fired in a Ballistics lab, was presented as the instrument of death for JFK and now we are asked to believe that the worlds greatest military power could FAIL to defend even its own Capital city and own HQ and there is nothing that anybody...
  8. N

    Who Repealed the LAWS OF PHYSICS - 9/11/2001?

    How did the force of gravity aided only by smokey jet fuel fires completely destroy a Concrete & Steel skyscraper? not just once, but three times! How is it that rubble sifted for human remains, did not yield any aircraft parts? What(?) Titanium turbine blades where pulverized into...
  9. N

    Is there any other sites similar to this on the internet that are not so

    It really depends on what you like in an on-line forum, would you prefer to have a Questions and Answers format, or a free-for-all discussion? There are a LOT of BLOGS and forums of all kinds on the web, something for everyone.... have you seen the Political forum? Whatever...