Recent content by mVmmusm

  1. M

    POLL...what do you think of this name for a girl?

    I don't like it, it sounds like Philadelphia cheese.
  2. M

    Are any of the Abraham Lincoln movies educational?

    The new one is supposed to be really good and im told close to real facts know.
  3. M

    Does it bother you when people try to talk to you in riddles expecting your mind to

    work like theirs? . Why cant people just say what they mean? .
  4. M

    When's the last time you laughed?

    This morning, Johnny Bravo (my contact) made me laugh, hes so funny n sweet :)
  5. M

    Do your split personalities ever argue with each other?

    The me and other me never get along because she always tells me what a silly b!tch i am to let people walk over me the way i do and i tend to agree but never do as she tells me. I don't think we will ever get along because she hates my niceness and i hate her bossiness. ;)
  6. M

    Survey: How old were you when you had your FIRST KISS?

    It was on my 13th birthday
  7. M

    Survey.......When was your last ?

    umm over the weekend, i had my spare account deleted within a few hours of using it ...oops :)
  8. M

    Have you ever met someone on Monday, took them for a drink on Tuesday, and made

    No.... met my guy on a thursday it took about a year before he kissed me then another 2 years before we made love lol
  9. M

    Have you ever met a real Superman / superwoman?

    . I just have, hes a handsome devil. :) .