Recent content by moretoo

  1. M

    post your favorite quote

    "i'm glad the human being and the fish can coexist peacefully..." -George Dubya.
  2. M

    MAP members you are attracted to

    Another SCOT! You've been added to my list.
  3. M

    Ban the last poster before you post

    The Brat for hearing whiny voices
  4. M

    Vampire Squid from Hell!!!

    Would it die if it came to normal sea levels?
  5. M

    Misc. Facts Thread

    oh come on...all i get as a repley is this one lousy sentence. dont you think that quicksand beep! is cool?
  6. M

    If your parents were on TSR...

    It Won't Happen
  7. M

    Food Poisoning

    OMG you puked for 12 minutes!
  8. M

    high school, college, middle school, working etc

    Middle school, 8th grade.
  9. M

    what are you doing at exactly this moment??

    Watching Role Models.
  10. M

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    just saw a couple of deer running in the greenery besides the residential area
  11. M

    The Most Funniest Comedians

    Bill Hicks, Peter Sellers, Robin Williams, Lenny Bruce, ALL of Monty Python
  12. M

    The truth about MMA video (1 min)

    Chael - Master of the semi-troll and a fine take-down man to boot. May I suggest a slight change of thread title? Truth in offtopic might fit the content better. If that's a fit then here is one of my favourites from Forrest Griffin, telling it like it is... Forrest Griffin talks about...
  13. M

    The best X-mas song

    Tom Lehrer's "A Christmas Carol"
  14. M

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" Misinformation to suit my purposes? Please. I know you're drunk, so I'm not going to hold it against you, but for the future, be more careful about accusing someone on the other side of a debate of deliberately falsifying or misleading. You...
  15. M

    42 days to detain terrorists

    I fear that what the government are trying to do is, once this law is passed which I’m sure eventually it will be, they will fabricate a story whereby their detaining a terror suspect beyond the 28 days has led to them foiling a big planned attack on society. Having successfully fooled all the...