Recent content by mnimmmsälmmnms™

  1. M

    Why doesn't christian God just command peace instead of conflict?

    Because it's about power, wealth and control. It has nothing to do with love or peace. Love and peace are just the bait...
  2. M

    Hey... religion and spirituality?

    How long has it been since you've been rick-rolled? Mytos: Check out Kelly's link... I've been rick-rolled enough... lol... I'm not clicking on it...
  3. M

    If I put my laptop in the dishwasher. will it wash out the superstition it...

    It just needs a good exorcism of the cookies, and it should be fine... lol
  4. M

    How do nice people get pulled into an ugly religion?

    Sometimes I meet perfectly nice people who are completely into some weird religious cult. How do you think this happens? You are adorable, Angel... never fear...
  5. M

    How come everyone I meet in real life is Christian, and everyone online is...

    If you met me in real life, you'd think I was really nice and prbably assume I was a believer... no doubt you probably know several atheists and just don't know it.
  6. M

    Considering religion: Which do you think is more important?

    To give the right answers or to ask the right questions?
  7. M

    If you could define religion with a single song title...?

    ... which would it be?
  8. M

    Is The 8 Monkey Theory of Religion?

    Imho... yes.... I'm picturing Kirk and his banana theory... LOL
  9. M

    Is there a religious cheese and whine party going on here tonight?

    Cheesy questions and whiney answers are always abundant... help yourself, they are relatively free! Oh... here's some whine... "If humans came from moooonkiessss.... why are there still moooonkieeess...."
  10. M

    After Israel is done bombing them, will Lake Palestine be the hottest new

    They won't bomb so much now, they've just started a ground invasion of Israeli troops into Gaza. Countdown to deletion.... 3.... 2.... 1....
  11. M

    After Israel is done bombing them, will Lake Palestine be the hottest new

    They won't bomb so much now, they've just started a ground invasion of Israeli troops into Gaza. Countdown to deletion.... 3.... 2.... 1....
  12. M

    Who's that dipping in the Cadillac?

    (((((Vishal))))) Gandalf loves the Snoop...
  13. M

    3 easy steps to utterly convincing another of your religion?

    I would say that your three easy steps theory has been reproduced and proven enough, including peer review, to now call it the "Law of Idiodynamics."
  14. M

    Creationists, did Sabertooth tigers have Bluetooth?

    I'm a little long in the tooth for this one...