Recent content by MissMacle

  1. M

    Throw Down Your Best Jokes

    lol, I was waiting for that. I hope god has a sense of humor.
  2. M

    Ban the last poster before you post

    for being an ice cream eating motorcycle riding brat.
  3. M

    The Confession Thread

    Mei, you do realize that we already know about GangrelChilde?
  4. M

    So you want a Tattoo .....

    Tribal is also good and usful for covering up bad ink - which to my relief I discovered
  5. M

    Read this essay homiez, lulz will ensue

    I didn't smile.
  6. M

    Capital Punishment

    I think the death penalty is called for in individual cases. If there is enough evidence to prove that a person is guilty of a horrible crime without a shadow of a doubt, then yes I believe that it is called for. And you can't say that we need the prison system to be better for rehabilitation...
  7. M


    Don't you see? There is an obvious solution. ONWARDS TO FULL COMMUNISM!
  8. M


    wait, did you just say groin up?
  9. M

    What do you owe an employer?

    It depends on your contract, but you owe them nothing, unless your contract binds you to something. Just talk to them, and let them know, I'm sorry, I accepted your offer, but since then I have been made an even better one, I regret to inform you that I'm going to accept the other one. For all...
  10. M

    The Trolling Thread

    What martial art should I do?
  11. M

    Forced To Go To A Prom....

    K. Sorry for your loss?
  12. M

    *chan attacks epileptic forums, seizures ensue

    Yea I think it's snoller, probably wrong.
  13. M

    Handling multiple job interviews.

    I'm applying for fairly humble jobs, I don't think lawyers will be necessary. But yes, I will give them a call if I decide not to go through. I'll put your advice in the back of my head perhaps for the future.
  14. M

    What are you doing right now?

    I thought you'd be really keen to know what happened! Oops, the shorts are back in the laundry basket and I can't remember where my camera is!
  15. M

