Recent content by MissElSalvador

  1. M

    Leonardo Decaprio wants me to save teh Polar bearz!1!!

    Just Maxin' and Relaxin'.
  2. M

    which body do you find the most attractive?

    20% to 80%. They all look good in that range.
  3. M

    New dog

  4. M

    Why do girls go crazy over these 2 ?

    Edward Cullen: Not sexy since 1901 Jacob, on the other hand...WOW! edit: I am not some obsessed little fangirl, I just appreciate beauty in the male form *coughIamapervertcough*
  5. M

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    One of my back muscles is annoying the wretched freaking diarrhea out of me. One of the muscle inserts on my spine is fasciculated into hard ridges, is tight and inflexible, and no amount of SMR has fully cured the sodding little [redacted].
  6. M

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Oxymoron alert?
  7. M

    How tall are you ST?

    bahahaha 5'10
  8. M

    So I am walking outside today and find.. pics*mild gore

    i saw a pigeon in the same condition as that eagle before, but it was cuz it harpooned into the store window (i was at work).
  9. M

    The most excessive Nerf gun ever

    i wish i had these when i was a kid
  10. M


    Fat pig, nay sir, just a chunky monkey! That's a good size. Where I used to live a guy had two English bull terriers, they were huge, both tall and very well built.
  11. M

    things cops arent allowed to dO?

    rape u without asking
  12. M

    Gaiaism. Agree or disagree.

    I lul'd hard at that.
  13. M

    An epic challenge for 90% of ST.

    ill join, girlfriend is driving 11 hours tuesday to come visit. think i can make it that long
  14. M

    Footprints found yeti again.....

    You skeptics slay me. I proved the Yeti existed years ago when I took this picture. And for the record they sneak down from the mountains late at night and feed on ceolacanth fish.
  15. M

    This Or That.

    GTA4, cuz you can be a BAMF in a more realistic way than on the internets. Sniper rifle or shotgun?