Recent content by MightyBeefy

  1. M

    What should I know about Abraham Lincoln?

    For my ap euro class?
  2. M

    What political factors do you think ultimately led to Spain's decline in the mid

    17th century? Also what wars were they involved in that helped speed up their decline? Thanks Did the inquisition help their decline on account of them brilliantly banishing their educated middle class (good move ferdy)
  3. M

    what affect did industrialization have on 19th century European politics?

    I can only think of social and economic Was it Russia who first rebelled against Napoleons continental system?
  4. M

    What were the effects the English Civil War had on religion in England?

    Did fears of a Catholic takeover subside? Did they all become buddhists and eat ginger root? I don't know Also what were the political causes for the english civil war?
  5. M

    Need help with a driving test?

    Okay so i'm going back to the DMV for my SECOND attempt at getting my driver's license. The first time i bumped a curb on my way out of the parking lot and was immediately turned around. I was so upset after failing my first time and now that I'm facing my second time I'm extremely nervous. My...