Recent content by Michaeln

  1. M

    Will the NEW CURRENCY being discussed at the G20 be digital?

    I don't think it will come to pass, but if it were it would indeed be digital money. The IMF already has "special drawing rights" which is an inventive way of lending money to impoverished Third World nations. It's entirely digital.
  2. M

    Does the Conservative landslide victory in Spain over a pro-Obama Socialist...

    Well, that's true, along with the economic disaster caused by that.
  3. M

    Are cons aware that scientists agree that the earth warms and cools...

    Admission that man is causing climate change means that we not only can but must act. That involves cost. Conservatives recognize that the most serious effects won't take place until after their deaths, so they simply don't care about climate change. It's all about money.
  4. M

    Recommend classic books as introduction to horror?

    Poe's "The Pit and the Pendulum."
  5. M

    Whining noise from laptop fan after cleaning?

    ok, so i just cleaned my laptop fan using compressed air, the way they showed me on the internet, this is the first time i've cleaned it in about 2 years and i could see all the dust built up. Now it makes a whining noise, and gets louder as the fan spins faster. Is the normal? and if not, can i...
  6. M

    Opinions on my opening paragraph?

    I don't like the first paragraph, but I like the curse. No, I won't be interested in the rest of the story. But don't sweat it--I'm probably old enough to be your father.
  7. M

    Im going to write a ZOMBIE short story, and i would like your help!?

    You have no story line and no title. No characters. Hmm... are you a zombie?
  8. M

    I need help finding a place for my story?

    Knoxville, TN (kind of a landmark, named after Revolutionary War hero) Johnson City, TN (small town. Bet you've never heard of Henry Johnson)
  9. M

    What is the most interesting book you've read in 2009?

    Norman Mailer, 1964, "An American Dream"
  10. M

    Why is Jackie Chan's new movie "Karate Kid"?

    Chan is of Chinese descent, and he practices the martial art known as "Kung Fu." The movie is partially filmed in China. "Karate" is a Japanese (or Okinawan) martial art. So what gives? Is he just trying to exploit a gullible public?
  11. M

    Do you think Hunt was one of the reasons why Folau went to AFL?

    It has been said that he had a heart to heart with Karmichael Hunt and that was when the final decision was going to be made,how much of an influence do you think he had in making him cross over???
  12. M

    How can God send people to hell?

    This is so random, but I was watching tv, and there was this girl on there, who seemed so sweet, with the most adorable smile, and right before that I was thinking about religion and hell and everything. So I'm watching the sweet girl, and thinking, "What if she's not religious? How could God...
  13. M

    NRL fans poll...who is you're most overrated and underrated NRL player?

    mine: overrated:Jason Ryles underrated:Nathan Friend
  14. M

    minuet by johann sebastian bach...vs suzuki violin school..?

    every time i look up minuet on the internet i get what my suzuki book calls minuet one. i have researched what it calls minuet two and minuetthree to no avail. i origionally assumed these were all one piece split up for learning purposes, but upon research, i have failed to find any videos or...
  15. M

    minuet by johann sebastian bach...vs suzuki violin school..?

    every time i look up minuet on the internet i get what my suzuki book calls minuet one. i have researched what it calls minuet two and minuetthree to no avail. i origionally assumed these were all one piece split up for learning purposes, but upon research, i have failed to find any videos or...