Recent content by Mendi8a1

  1. M

    how much did you sell your xbox for?

    You could probably get about £30 - £40 from any game store. Sometimes i don't like selling consoles/games at gaming store because sometimes they rip you off, soooo i generally sell them to my friends or anyone at school insteadI sold my Xbox to my friend for £55 =]
  2. M

    xbox 360 or playstation 3???

    i dont no what to get should i get the xbox or ps3, wich one do u recomend (im 17)
  3. M

    IS the Iraq war worth the recession?

    No. It seems like the terrorists are winning thanks to the recession.
  4. M

    IS the Iraq war worth the recession?

    You would probably do well to take an economics course instead of studying at the Democrat Underground.
  5. M

    If you could be President of the United States for 1 year - what would you?

    I would resign. Do you take me for a fool??? :)
  6. M

    Isn't Obama bashing himself?

    I hope this brings him down. I really do, because he is not a candidate of "change" or "hope." He wrote a book called THE AUDACITY OF HOPE--a quote from his pastor! He doesn't believe in America, he hates white people--including his own mother--and his agenda is clearly racist.
  7. M

    Can you believe Obama's words that he turns to pastor Wright for spiritual advise not political in 20 years?

    Can you believe Obama's words that he turns to pastor Wright for spiritual advise not political in 20 years? Deee, dee, deeeee. I don't think soooo. He is as racist as Hi's pastor.
  8. M

    Can anyone help me choose a topic?

    I would go with ur first choice because I find it would be more interesting plus would have more information pertaining to it.
  9. M

    Is American citizenship for sale .?

    citizenship is not for sale but tourist visas sure are. in fact all u need is to prove u have lots of $$ and then the govt deems you fit to enter.