Recent content by McGruffaAMtttTibetttt

  1. M

    British ID cards: Britain to become a bold new utopia

    You're kidding, right? Right?? Do you actually believe the government is capable of setting this up without making a pig's breakfast of the whole thing from start to end? I'm not a criminal but it frightens me such that I find it a better cure for constipation than Taco Bell.
  2. M

    Farting in outer space

    Given that there is no friction in space that one small fart for mankind could probably keep you going indefinatley, who needs rocket fuel.
  3. M

    If you owned any country in the world..

    3rd generation German immigrant so I guess you know were I'm going.
  4. M

    Motorcycle Enthusiasts

    Signals are cheap and easy to mount/wire up. You can probably get a decent switch from any junkyard, which is stupid-easy to mount. I'd rather spend an hour and $50-100 than having to deal with hand-signaling. It's bad enough when leading a group ride. Sweet ride, by the way.. I love the old...
  5. M

    dunno if anyones seen this but a former soldier is about to be executed

    being in the military doesnt mean you can kill anybody,just enemys and arabs lol.serious tho,hang that son of a bitch
  6. M


    im pretty certain cornish is part of england too
  7. M

    Tired of chicks blaming their whoreness on alcohol/guys

    I just discussed this with my therapist this weekend lol. She said most women date scumbags because they know that its a no pressure relationship and don't feel anything long term.
  8. M

    Anthony Kiedis incident. Your take?

    Do we really think the situation was explained? Or do you think security man saw a bloke covered in tattoos and thought 'Stones groupie' and treated him as such.
  9. M

    Are we spoiled?

    Uni in a nut shell. funny how practical avenues in life were considered less worthy 5 years ago but now becoming a plumber is highly regarded.
  10. M

    Obama vs. McCain

    So you think people who lack opportunities, the poor people, the homeless, those who struck bad luck, should all just be left in the gutter?
  11. M

    My Trip to Japan

    Hahahahhaah! Do you really look that similar to De Caprio? I'll have to go to Japan some day, so that taking Japanese all these years won't be a waste. PL
  12. M

    Funniest Weapon

    like i said, spoons! I have removed the picture posted here because it isn't funny and was in bad taste. KT Topic Mod
  13. M


    who you is