Recent content by MarylEM

  1. M

    Who thinks this is funny? Got anything else like it?

    10) STARE, grinning at another passenger for a while, then announce: "I have new socks on." = RANDOM!!! haha 18 HAHAHAHA
  2. M

    Cheeseburger pick up lines?

    Cute lol.
  3. M

    Cheeseburger pick up lines?

    Cute lol.
  4. M

    Do you think the internet leads you to people that....?

    Not really.
  5. M

    If you could time travel, where would you like to go?

    I'd want to see the Pyramids in Egypt when they first finished them. It was supposed to be white! Like BLINDING white! Cool! =D
  6. M

    Whenever I pick up the phone, I walk in cirlces... normal?

    Okay, well not "literally" in citcles, but I'd walk upstairs, downstairs, waling to my kitchen... everywhere! As soon as I'm done talking on the phone, I feel dizzy X_X lol It's like I CANNOT stand still when I'm on the phone... Is that wierd??