Recent content by marebear

  1. M

    Recreation vs Competition hockey?

    Is it possible to play both in one season?
  2. M

    Post Your best ways to fake sick

    hahah I was gonna say this, but then I already realized that I did. 4 months ago:tdown:
  3. M

    Blonde or brunette?

    Burnettes, but I'd take what ever I can get, NO FAT ASSES THOUGH!
  4. M

    new wheel gun

    My friend stole one of these from his granddad and tried to act all bamf and scare these black guys and the had one with bullets he said sorry and gave them the gun so they wouldnt shoot them.
  5. M

    MAP Apology thread

    Looks like the boys are after "else" lil
  6. M

    How to avoid singing karaoke...

    Avoid any and all asians that resemble tourists, as well as any form of alcohol or intoxicant. Just because she tells you its water... doesn't mean it is! Rufie Coladas are a widely used method of enticing men into getting on stage to sing kareoke, as well as being a convenient method for ugly...
  7. M

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    My science teacher in secondary school was rumoured to do that. He did once claim he was drinking (from a beaker in class) his own urine, had something to do with alkaline levels, ph balance or something, but we always thought it was just apple juice... Quick google search of "benefits of...
  8. M

    Fighting the pretentious one

    Pay me! Pay me! Ill burn him down and kidnap his club!
  9. M

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    I have a biiiiiiiiiiiiig job interview tomorrow. The fact I got an interview made me :-)) The fact I have to do a presentation and am very nervous is more a grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
  10. M

    i need some advice guys..

    Tape knives to the insides of your fingers.
  11. M

    How do I...

    the only idiot fuckhead here is you for making the thread in ST and not even making it in the right place.
  12. M

    Teen Bash Time

    Yea, because everyone wants to sit around with a bunch of guys slamming back Natural Light.
  13. M

    Sterilizing crack heads.... your thoughts...

    I'll guess that people on lower incomes tend to get arrested more for drug-related offences for three reasons: 1: More likely to commit crimes to fund habit. 2: They have to buy/use in conspicously shady locations. 3: Less likely to get sent to rehab by concerned family. People with money...
  14. M

    Good luck A-levelers

    Ugh, I remember my A-levels... Hell, I did seven of them, so I should do! It's horrible waiting for the results, probably even worse than waiting for your degree results. Good luck to all concerned!