Recent content by MarbellaDeLou

  1. M

    You ever had a dream about being away from home and forgetting your

    mobile phone charger? I have it like once a month, where i am away from home and forgot my charger. I wake up feeling really uncomfortable and uneasy!
  2. M

    Which Celebrity Would You Want To Live Next Door To?

    Miley Cyrus. Because she i so funny and cool.
  3. M

    What exactly are horns inside a car for?

    LMAO, HONK IF YOUR HORNY. Thats hilarious!
  4. M

    When celebs get fake teeth, do they last a life time?

    And wouldnt they be easier to fall out if the mouth got banged? Then the celeb would be in the news with a gap tooth.
  5. M

    Help with EMO hair style?

    Please don't ruin yourself even more by turning emo.